Willie Nelson’s response after walking away from a plane crash will put your jaw on the floor

Photo by Bob Jagendorf via Wikimedia, CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en

Willie Nelson has led a colorful life as one of the outlaws of country music.

No one can top him when it comes to a close call with danger.

Willie Nelson’s response after walking away from a plane crash will put your jaw on the floor.

Willie Nelson has a close call flying in Texas

Country music legend Willie Nelson has led a life that’s wilder than anything a Hollywood screenwriter could dream up.

Professional Golfer Larry Trader was Nelson’s promoter for more than 40 years before he passed away in 2007.

He told a story of the country star flying into Brackettville, Texas, a remote town near the border with Mexico.

Nelson was flying on a plane that was going to land on an airstrip near Happy Shahan’s Western town, a movie set in which the 1960 John Wayne film The Alamo was filmed. 

Shanahan was the Mayor of the town and a former actor.

Nelson’s plane hit a hole in the landing strip and flipped over, which sent everyone into a panic.

“Down at Brackettville one year, Willie was flying into the landing strip near Happy Shahan’s Western town that they used for the Alamo movie set. Happy is watching the plane coming in, knowing Willie is on it,” Trader recounted.

Shanahan ran to alert the media after he saw the plane flip on the runway.

“The plane hits a big chug hole in the strip and flips over on its side and crashes,” Trader continued. “Happy likes news and publicity, you know, so the first thing he does is pick up the phone and call the radio stations, the TV, the newspapers.”

Willie Nelson gives a stunning answer after plane crash

Nelson wasn’t phased by a potentially fatal plane crash in a remote Texas town.

“And here comes Willie and his pilot, limping up the road. The media people were arriving by then. They started firing questions at Willie. How did he survive? Was he dying? Was he even hurt?” Trader recalled.

“Willie smiles and says, ‘Why, this was a perfect landing. I walked away from it, didn’t I?’” Trader added.

Trader said that the Redheaded Stranger was someone that he had to keep an eye on because of how accident-prone he is as a person.

Nelson is known for his sense of humor and not taking himself too seriously.

He named an album, The IRS Tapes, that he released to pay off his tax debt in the 1990s.

Willie Nelson’s life is even more colorful than his legendary brand of outlaw country music.