Tucker Carlson was left speechless after this Cardinal delivered one eye-opening warning about Pope Francis

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia

Democrats sneer at religion.

They only promote it when it suits their political agenda.

And a Tucker Carlson guest spread one eye-opening message about Pope Francis.

Democrats and their media allies tend to not like religious figures, but they like Pope Francis.

Outside of abortion, the Jesuit Pope is in accordance with virtually all of Democrats’ woke extremist political goals.

Their media allies have even attacked those Catholics who have expressed discomfort with the fact that the Pope’s statements constantly contradict Scripture.

Politicization of the Church

Tucker Carlson recently spoke with Cardinal Gerhard Müller, who is not in lockstep with Francis’ political messaging.

Carlson asked Cardinal Müller, “From the outside looking in. And I am, as I said on the outside, I am not a Catholic, but as an observer of the Catholic Church, the leadership of the Church seems to have changed quite a bit under the current Pope and does seem much more aligned with a global political movement with progressive politics than at any time in the past. Do you think that that’s true?”

Müller responded, “It’s also in the history where they look 2000 years back. This was not the best, times at epochs when the popes or the bishop was too close to the politics and, the Middle Ages, this was this understanding of the prince bishops, but I think that it’s not that what Jesus wanted since he sent the apostles like sheep and wolves, and in this world without political power at all, only with the power and of the word of God and the power of the grace of God, only God can change the heart of the people.”

Getting too close to politicians certainly sounds familiar.

Immoral practices

The Cardinal continued, “And with the word of God, with the holy sacraments, with liturgy services, with a Christian education, with the Christian life, we can convince the people to live a moral life and not to abuse the political power. And I, surely the Pope is a moral authority all over the world, and he has some meetings with this so-called elite or the politicians, the leaders of the state. But I think it’s more important to admonish them. And to say what is right and what is good and what is bad. And therefore, men must keep a certain distance from the political leadership, and we must give a big contrast to the wrong ideologies which are behind the ideology of power. The ideology, of, denying of the difference between men and women. Wrong understanding of sexuality, of human anthropology.”

Democrats openly promote paganism, like the woke extremist movement.

Müller added, “And therefore we have the better answer for all these challenges. It’s challenging as of today. And I think, it’s not so good to give these people the impression they could use and abuse the papal authority for their ideas, so-called New World Order. And agenda 2030. I think, no one, nobody is able to make a New World Order only with money and with political powers, the so-called self-appointed elite. They have not the intellectual and moral instruments for reshaping the world. They are only interested in their money making. And if these people, in the first places in the Forbes list, that will not say that they have a special qualification for running the world.”

As Democrats move in an increasingly secular direction, they are trying to drag Christians with them.

But there are still believers who believe in the Gospel.