Trump Derangement Syndrome broke this legendary rock star’s brain. And his deranged new song proves it

Lugnuts, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

There’s no denying the fact that Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory broke Democrats’ brains to the point in which they’ve lost all connection with reality.

This legendary rock star is certainly among those impacted by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And his deranged new song proves it.

Legendary Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder has long been an outspoken, radical left-wing Democrat.

He also has one of the most advanced cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome imaginable.

Political song

His song Wreckage off the new album Dark Matter takes jabs at former President Donald Trump and the current political moment.

Some of the song’s lyrics include:

Oh, visited by thoughts and not just in the night

That I no longer give a f**k who is wrong and who’s right

This game of winner takes all and all means nothing left

Spoils go the victor and the other left for dead

Uh-huh, combing through the wreckage

Holding out, holding on

Combing through the wreckage

In an interview with The Times, Vedder confirmed the song is about “a guy in the United States who is still saying he didn’t lose an election, and people are reverberating and amplifying that message as if it is true.”

“Trump is desperate,” he added. “I don’t think there has ever been a candidate more desperate to win, just to keep himself out of prison and to avoid bankruptcy. It is all on the line, and he’s out there playing the victim — at least they’re doing this to me, because if not they would be doing it to you — but you haven’t falsified your tax records. You don’t have classified information in your basement. So the song is saying, let’s not be driven apart by one person, especially not a person without any worthy causes.”

DNC talking points

Of course, Vedder is merely parroting Democrats and their media allies’ talking points.

The idea that Trump is being targeted in these legal proceedings because of an impartial sense of justice is laughable.

The interviewer said, “Perhaps Trump’s time is passing.”

“I can’t wait,” Vedder responded. “Most thoughtful people are going through a bit of PTSD about it now, so maybe you’re right.”

Vedder is either dishonest or deeply naïve about the nature of politics.

The next GOP candidate will be demonized all the same, as proven by the fact that Democrats and their media allies immediately started pushing the narrative that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is “worse than Trump” after his historic landslide victory in his 2022 re-election campaign made clear he was the next Republican in line for the Presidency after Trump.

Should DeSantis be the Republican nominee in 2028, those claims will be resurrected.

It doesn’t matter who Republicans nominate; they will still be villainized because Democrats can only win elections by claiming the world will end unless Americans vote for them.