The insane reason this unhinged woke extremist blew up her marriage will leave you totally flabbergasted

Photo by Felicity Tai from Pexels

No ideas are out of bounds for woke extremists.

They like to pretend that their unhinged nonsense is somehow “mainstream.”

And the insane reason this unhinged woke extremist blew up her marriage will leave you totally flabbergasted.

Distance learning during COVID gave many parents the opportunity to see what their children are really being taught in their government school classrooms for the first time.

One of the things parents discovered is that their kids were learning extreme left-wing concepts, like the neo-Marxist doctrine of critical race theory (CRT).

But CRT is one of an infinite number of critical theories woke extremists have latched onto.

Critical theory

The condition for a critical theory is that it must challenge the status quo of what traditional society deems normal, and it must be able to be put into practice.

One such critical theory is fat studies, which is the academic term used by the scholars of the “discipline.”

Fat activists and “body positivity” proponents argue that conventional beauty standards must be challenged, hence fashion magazines with morbidly obese women on the cover.

They also argue that it is wrong to restrict what children eat.

One such activist is Virginia Sole-Smith, who wrote the book ‘Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture.

Her insane beliefs about food ultimately led to her divorce.

“During the pandemic, her husband turned to working out while Sole-Smith said she found the value of comfort eating,” The Daily Mail reported. “‘I deserve softness. I deserve a little tenderness. Everything is chaos. It’s nice I can make brownies,’ she said. Sole-Smith also said she is against doctors prescribing weight loss and a solution to health problems and that they should treat patients as they are.”

“It doesn’t matter what people’s health status is,” Sole-Smith claimed. “Right? Drug addicts are worthy of dignity and respect in medical care. Like, it doesn’t matter whether you caused it, doctors are supposed to meet you where you are. . . Health is a resource and a privilege so many people don’t have access to. Is health that I eat this broccoli for dinner? Or is health that I managed to have a few minutes of connection with my daughter today?”

The last straw

A breaking point in her marriage occurred when she allowed her daughter to eat an entire stick of butter.

The Daily Mail added that “her daughter ate the stick because she thought it was cheese and [her husband] wanted to intervene and stop her from eating it. . . The couple announced their split after 14 years of marriage and nearly 25 years together in the summer of 2023.”

“If I put butter on the table and a kid wants to eat the butter, that’s fine with me,” Sole-Smith said. “We would all do a lot better to be less afraid of divorce, just as we would do a lot better to be less afraid of being fat.”

These are terrible justifications for what everyone with a functioning brain knows is terrible decision-making.

But this is what Democrats have become.

These are the people that get taken seriously in publications like The New York Times.