Environmental extremists’ new plan to fight climate change will turn you red with rage

Edward Kimmel from Takoma Park, MD, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ruling-class elites around the world are trying to force their environmental extremist agenda on the working class.

Their ideas only get more and more outlandish with each passing day.

And environmental extremists’ new plan to fight climate change will turn you red with rage.

Ruling-class environmental extremists are attempting to split society into two camps: those who believe human-caused climate change is the single greatest threat in the history of human civilization and, therefore, must be addressed with the most extreme, economy-destroying, outright authoritarian agenda imaginable and those dastardly “climate deniers.”

Once people have been cudgeled into what the elites deem as the “correct” position, they are then pressured into supporting their entire extremist agenda.

In reality, it is possible to acknowledge that the climate is changing – as it has since the dawn of time – and that humans do have some role in it while also understanding that the level to which human activity plays a role is unknown, the impact environmental extremists’ proposed “solutions” would have on climate change is negligible at best, and that the resulting effects of climate change have yet to prove to be anywhere near as cataclysmic as Democrats and their media allies would have you believe.

But as far as the ruling class elites are concerned, that nuanced position is not allowed.

Either you pledge total allegiance to the environmental extremist agenda, or you’re a “climate denier.”

Get on the crazy train

And that allows climate radicals to get away with utter nonsense.

For example, there have been multiple instances in which Democrats’ media allies have openly pushed the idea that humans should start eating bugs to stop climate change.

One school in Australia already started a pilot program in which they feed elementary school students bugs as snacks.

The activists do not care that bug protein is a terrible idea, especially at scale.

No showers

The latest fad to “save the planet” is to stop showering every day.

The BBC reported that “while frequent washing of hands is key for stopping the spread of germs, according to most medics there is no inherent physical health benefit to the daily shower. In fact, it can even be bad for you by drying out your skin and undermining your immune system. Still, studies indicate that more than half of Americans and Brits shower every day. Is it time to scale back?”

Got that?

Showers are bad for you.

And The BBC found an “expert” to say so.

“I’m not alone in [not showering every day],” environmental extremist Donnachadh McCarthy told the outlet. “What I am alone in is being bravely willing to talk about it . . . I do think a lot of the showering is performative . . . Why are we washing? Mostly because we’re afraid somebody else will tell us that we’re smelling . . . I faced that fear, and I live.”

Professor Kristen Gram-Hanssen from the Department of the Build Environment of Aalborg University in Denmark, told The BBC, “If you go 100 years back, we didn’t shower every day, because the shower was not a normal thing to have . . . We don’t shower because of health. We shower because it’s a normal thing to do.”

Environmental extremists have a fundamental anti-human perspective.

They hate the fact that people have abundant energy and access to clean water in developed countries.

A big reason why third-world countries have yet to develop is because environmental extremists are blocking their attempts to industrialize, which also helps fuel the illegal immigration crisis.

The environmental extremist movement has lost any credibility they might have had left.