Volodymyr Zelensky blew a gasket after Joe Biden forced him to take a backseat in favor of George Clooney

Biden Campaign Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en

Both Democrats and ruling class RINOs have teamed up to funnel nearly $200 million in taxpayer money to the elites’ proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

But despite all of the tax money and taxpayer-funded weapons, Ukraine appears to be falling further and further behind in the conflict.

And now Volodymyr Zelensky blew a gasket after Joe Biden forced him to take a backseat in favor of George Clooney.

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his invasion in February 2022, both Democrats and establishment Republicans in Congress have voted to pass five separate bills to fund their proxy war in Ukraine with some $175 billion in taxpayer money.

 On top of receiving billions of dollars in straight cash that is not tracked or monitored through any sort of actual oversight, Ukraine has also received multiple shipments of American weapons, including F-16s, long-range missile launchers, and Abrams tanks.

And despite all the U.S. taxpayer money and weapons, Russia is reportedly in the driver’s seat in the conflict.

Instead of seeking a peace deal, President Zelensky is demanding that American taxpayers simply funnel him even more of their tax dollars and weapons.

On June 15 and 16, Zelensky is holding a so-called “peace conference” in Switzerland, with more than 100 countries expected to participate. 

When he planned the event, Zelensky expected President Joe Biden to play a pivotal role.

At an event in Brussels last week, Zelensky said, “I believe that the peace summit needs President Biden.”

“His absence would only be met by an applause by Putin, a personal, standing applause by Putin,” he added.

But Zelensky just learned that Biden is skipping the so-called “peace summit” in order to attend a fundraiser with Hollywood star George Clooney.

In possibly the worst constellation prize of all-time, Vice President Kamala Harris will take Biden’s place at Zelensky’s event.

“Joe Biden will skip a peace summit organized by Volodymyr Zelensky in favor of a Hollywood fundraiser with George Clooney,” the Telegraph reported. “The move is likely to anger Ukraine, which has warned that the struggling summit in Switzerland ‘needs’ Mr. Biden.”

“Mr. Biden will instead attend a Democratic fundraiser in California with Mr. Clooney, Julia Roberts, the comedian Jimmy Kimmel, and Barack Obama, as he trails Donald Trump in recent donations for his re-election campaign,” the report added.

Even though the Democrat President will not attend, the Biden regime tried to assure Zelensky that Biden was committed to his alleged peace plan.

“The vice president will underscore the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to supporting Ukraine’s effort to secure a just and lasting peace, based on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the principles of the UN Charter,” the White House said in a statement.

Joe Biden has already emptied America’s arsenal to arm Ukraine in the ruling class elites’ proxy war with Russia.

Volodymyr Zelensky wants more.

But Joe Biden is throwing him under the bus to wine and dine with Hollywood elites like George Clooney.