Matt Gaetz put Joe Biden on notice over this catastrophically woke discrimination against American veterans

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Joe Biden is injecting wokeness into every nook and cranny of the largest government in the history of the world.

Now he’s targeting the brave men and women who serve in the U.S. military.

And Matt Gaetz put Joe Biden on notice over this catastrophically woke discrimination against American veterans.

Democrats’ woke discrimination against veterans under Biden

Over the past decade, if not longer, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) has been rocked by numerous scandals stemming from its awful treatment of veterans.

Now, the scandal-plagued government agency has another scandal on its hands thanks to its own woke programs that discriminate against American veterans who happen to be white.

The Washington Free Beacon found that at least four VA training programs and workshops specifically exclude white veterans in Michigan, Minnesota, California, and Ohio.

The VA in Battle Creek, Michigan offers a “Race-Based Stress/Trauma and Empowerment” program that is a “weekly group, tailored to our Veterans of color, to address race-based stress and trauma in a safe and validating environment.”

Similarly, the VA in Palo Alto, California has a “10-week group to explore [the] impact of racism on your well-being” for “Women Veterans of color.”

President Joe Biden issued an executive order in 2021 that made adopting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training programs a priority for government agencies.

The VA is wasting its time and resources on woke indoctrination that discriminates against veterans who are suffering from the VA’s long wait times and poor care.

It also raises disturbing questions where else the VA is willing to discriminate against veterans.

VA official Shawn Liu told the VA’s Ending Veteran Homelessness podcast that the programs started as a result of Biden’s executive order, and dismissed pushback from within the Department by claiming that “treating everybody the same might not be enough for some.”

University of San Diego law professor and U.S. Commission on Civil Rights member Gail Heriot told the Free Beacon that programs were almost certainly illegal.

“It seems like every time you turn around there’s another race-exclusive government program of dubious constitutionality and legality,” Heriot said. “Race exclusivity should raise red flags. Yet for the past four years, we’ve been seeing more and more of this kind of thing.”

Matt Gaetz calls for hearings on woke programs at the VA

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called for Congressional hearings on the DEI programs at the VA after the explosive report from the Free Beacon.

He wrote a letter to House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Rep. Michael Bost (R-IL) in which he asked for a hearing, as well as another letter to VA Secretary Denis McDonough for more information about the programs.

“I am writing to you today to request an oversight hearing by your Committee into a number of outrageous, race-based ‘support’ groups operating at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs,” Gaetz wrote. “As we both know, the VA is tasked with the critical mission of providing support to American veterans, and I believe that the attached Washington Free Beacon article will shock you.”

“These programs appear to be popping up nationwide, and appear on the official VA website, indicating a serious policy and oversight problem at the VA,” Gaetz continued. “No federal resources, let alone sponsorship by the agency itself, should be given to these discriminatory programs.”

Joe Biden is ensuring that wokeness becomes the guiding principle in every decision the federal government makes.