James Comer dropped one bombshell about Joe Biden that sent Democrats over the edge

Photo by Festival of Faiths from Louisville, United States, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia

James Comer has been quietly gathering evidence in his investigation into the Biden crime family.

Now he’s ready to lay his cards on the table. 

And James Comer dropped one bombshell about Joe Biden that sent Democrats over the edge.

Comer says Biden has committed many crimes

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) is leading the Congressional investigation into the Biden crime family.

His effort has been out of the media spotlight amidst the focus on the election and former President Donald Trump’s Soviet-style show trial in Manhattan, getting the lion’s share of media attention.

But Comer dropped a bombshell during an interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.

Bartiromo noted that he sent criminal referrals to Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland and Special Counsel David Weiss for President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and brother, James, for lying to Congress during their closed-door testimony for the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

“Where are the criminal referrals for FARA, for money laundering, for corruption, for influence peddling? Where are those?” Bartiromo asked.

“Yes – well, we’re just beginning, Maria,” Comer replied. “And a lot of those crimes that the Bidens have committed, the statute of limitations has run out. That was one of the complaints that the IRS whistle-blowers said when we had them testify in our committee.”

IRS whistleblowers revealed that the Biden Justice Department interfered in the agency’s investigation into Hunter’s tax crimes, which allowed some of the potential crimes he committed to expire, including ones involving Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

Comer reminded her that when it comes to the evidence uncovered in the investigation into his family, all roads lead to President Biden.

“But we’re going to deal with those and we’re going to deal with Joe Biden,” Comer explained. “Remember, this is an investigation of Joe Biden. Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Eric Schwerin, Devon Archer, these are all witnesses in an investigation of Joe Biden. This was always about Joe Biden.”

Trump Justice Department could take action against the Biden crime family

Comer noted that every criminal referral he sends to the Biden Justice Department has a five-year statute of limitations.

He pointed out that if Garland doesn’t take action, the next Attorney General could.

“So these criminal referrals will stand for five years, beyond potentially Merrick Garland’s time there and Biden’s DOJ,” Bartiromo said. “Are you saying that we could expect a criminal referral against Joe Biden for money laundering?”

“Well, I think that it’s no secret Joe Biden’s committed many crimes, and I think that you’re going to see a report very soon,” Comer replied. “That report is imminent.”

“That will probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that Biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation and through the years of the Obama/Biden administration,” he added.

Merrick Garland won’t take action against his boss or his family.

But if Donald Trump can win the election and Comer delivers the goods, the Biden crime family could find themselves sweating bullets.