James Carville hit Democrats with one hard truth about Joe Biden that left them paralyzed with fear

James Carville Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en

James Carville is one of the few Democrats who isn’t completely detached from reality.

The veteran political strategist gave one of the most painful updates of his long career. 

And James Carville hit Democrats with one hard truth about Joe Biden that left them paralyzed with fear.

Carville says Biden should have never run for re-election

Most Democrats are living in denial about President Joe Biden’s chances of winning re-election.

They’ve tried to convince themselves that there’s no way that voters would send former President Donald Trump back to the White House, especially as a “convicted felon.”

But one of the few voices in the Democrat Party who’s been realistic about the political landscape in 2024 is the architect of former President Bill Clinton’s 1992 victory, James Carville.

He appeared on The Cats Roundtable radio show and revealed his fears about the election.

Host John Catsimatidis noted that the Democrat Party missed the common sense of former President Bill Clinton.

“But the 90s were then, and this is where we are now,” Carville said. “And, you know, we have a choice to make in November, and it isn’t a choice that I was crazy about. I actually was very public that I thought that President Biden should not run for re-election, but he did, and it’s him and Trump.”

Despite his reservations, Carville said that he was still backing Biden this November.

Catsimatidis asked who Democrats could turn to if Biden had to step aside.

“I mean, there’s no Bill Clinton, you know, can say that about someone, but with that type of skill, there are any number of current people,” Carville explained.

He pointed to Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, and U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA).

But he reiterated that the Party is stuck with Biden.

“But I don’t, I thought that Biden, President Biden to consider not running for election, but that’s not the choice that he made,” Carville explained. “And so I got to, I got to live in the world and I’ve got to live there, not the world I want to live in.”

Carville is worried about younger Americans

Younger voters were one of the key demographics that powered Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.

Polling shows that they’ve lost their enthusiasm for the 81-year-old President and have toward Trump.

Carville, who turns 80 later this year, said that he thought the younger voters would become disengaged this election.

“[Young people] feel like things are not working for them,” Carville said. “They feel like — two 80-year-old guys that don’t mean much to them. And I am really afraid we’re going to lose a generation of young people as they grow older. That’s probably my greatest fear for the United States, is that young people are disengaging.”

Carville is at the point in his life where he doesn’t care what the rest of the Democrat Party thinks.

He’s one of the few prominent Democrats who’s willing to say that Biden made a huge mistake running for re-election.

And that mistake could cost Democrats the White House and control of Congress.