Google just got caught red-handed running a major election interference scheme for Joe Biden

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Big Tech interfered in the 2020 Presidential election by censoring the New York Post’s bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

And now it appears that Big Tech is already meddling in the November election.

That’s because Google just got caught red-handed running a major election interference scheme for Joe Biden.

There is little question that President Joe Biden received some much-needed assistance from his media and Big Tech allies during the 2020 election.

Under the guise of “Russian disinformation,” Facebook, Twitter, and virtually every other social media platform censored the New York Post’s story about the contents of Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.”

Even though they censored The Post’s factual story about the laptop, Big Tech allowed fake negative stories about former President Donald Trump to go viral on their platforms.

Twitter even put warning labels up anytime Trump questioned tactics like mail-in-voting while allowing conspiracy theories about him taking mailboxes down to go viral.

Unlike 2020, most Americans are now well aware of Big Tech’s collusion with Biden and his fellow Democrats.

But apparently, that hasn’t stopped Big Tech from interfering in the November election on Biden’s behalf.

And the Media Research Center (MRC) just caught Google censoring Trump.

“On Tuesday, just two days before the widely anticipated presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, the tech giant buried Trump’s campaign website in its search results,” MRC reported. “But Biden’s appears at the very top for voters looking for information about him.”

“MRC Free Speech America uncovered proof of Google’s bias and censorship through two separate sets of search queries,” MRC wrote. “First, MRC researchers analyzed the Google Search results for the six presidential candidates still in the race Tuesday,” MRC continued. “When searching for a candidate’s name and the words ‘presidential race 2024,’ Google completely buried Trump and elevated Biden as the first search result.”

MRC President Brent Bozell said that “Google is blatantly interfering in the 2024 election.”

This is a big deal for the election, as Google is the most used search engine in the world, with a global market share of 92%.

As MRC pointed out, “the higher a search result appears in Google Search results, the more likely it is that a user will click on a particular result.”

Of course, this isn’t the first time Google got caught aiding Democrats.

A University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill study in 2022 found that Google’s email service, Gmail, delivered all Democrat fundraising emails to users’ inboxes but sent 80% of Republican fundraising emails to spam folders.

Big Tech censorship handed Joe Biden the White House in 2020.

A Media Research Center poll taken after the election indicated that one in six Biden voters would have voted differently had they known about the New York Post’s reporting, as well as other Biden scandals.

And Big Tech looks to be running the same playbook in 2024 to try and help Joe Biden win another four years in the White House.