Gavin Newsom was utterly humiliated after this political stunt backfired in epic fashion

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Gavin Newsom has turned into one of Joe Biden’s top surrogates on the campaign trail.

That’s why he thought he was going to the President a big favor. 

But Gavin Newsom was utterly humiliated after this political stunt backfired in epic fashion. 

Newsom has to pretend to care about illegal immigration 

The Biden border crisis has become a five-alarm political fire for Democrats this election cycle.

A CBS News poll recently found that 62% of Americans support deporting all illegal aliens.

The immigration issue has swung hard against Democrats after nearly 10 million illegal aliens entered the country since President Joe Biden took office and began implementing Democrats’ open borders agenda on day one.

After ignoring the border crisis he created for years, Biden issued a phony border security executive order – only after spending months claiming he didn’t have the power to take such action – to try and shore up a political vulnerability. 

Illegal immigration has been shifting west because of Texas’ successful efforts to secure its border with Mexico.

California has become the new hot spot in the border crisis. 

And that’s putting California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom in the hot seat.

Newsom approved giving free taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal aliens early this year through the state’s Medicaid program. 

But with illegal immigration picking up on the California border, he needed to help out Biden and Democrats running for re-election by pretending to care about the border. 

Newsom caught lying about National Guard troops at the border

Newsom traveled to the border near San Diego for a politically-motivated photo op.

He posted a video on social media in which he claimed the California National Guard was somehow helping to “secure the border.”

“We have 390 National Guardsmen and women that have been working, particularly as it relates to fentanyl, here in the state of California. Look, at the bottom line at the end of the day, they need more resources,” Newsom said.

Newsom claimed – without any evidence, mind you – that Republicans are the reason there aren’t enough resources at the border.

“Everybody needs more resources, and the Republican Party has been consistently standing in the way of providing the resources to support the men and women working hard, not only here at the border, but throughout the state of California and this country, to address the issues related to the border,” Newsom continued.

Newsom boasted that he supposedly doubled the number of National Guard troops working the border.

Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin is one of the few reporters who has been on the ground covering the border crisis.

He said that he has yet to see any of the National Guard troops Newsom claims he sent to the border.

“I sent Gov. Newsom’s below post to a BP agent in Jacumba, who responded by laughing & telling me CA ‘isn’t doing s—’ to help them with illegal crossings there, and any soldiers that they see there are National Guard from other states working w/ DHS under federal Title 10 order,” Melugin said.

Fox News correspondent Matt Finn was also on the ground at the California-Mexico border.

“We’re at the CA border right now in Jacumba, Governor Newsom. We see migrants illegally crossing all hours of the day. From China, Iran, Yemen. Nepal. Haven’t seen a single CA National Guard over the past week,” Finn wrote on X.

Gavin Newsom is trying to pretend he’s getting tough on the border to help Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

But his amateur hour stunt blew up in his face.