Democrats filed one lawsuit in a battleground state that proves Joe Biden is in big trouble


Democrats are in a full-blown panic about Joe Biden’s re-election chances.

Now his allies are trying to eliminate any potential threats to his coronation.

And Democrats filed one lawsuit in a battleground state that proves Joe Biden is in big trouble.

Democrats want non-Biden candidates kicked off the ballot

President Joe Biden has built his entire re-election message around the idea that he’s fighting to “defend democracy” against former President Donald Trump.

Now, Democrats are actively trying to subvert democracy by denying voters in Nevada the right to vote for the Presidential candidate of their choice.

The Nevada Democrat Party has filed lawsuits in order to kick Independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Green Party Presidential nominee Jill Stein off the ballot.

The lawsuit comes on the heels of Nevada Democrat Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar’s announcement that the Green Party had turned in enough signatures to get Stein on the ballot.

A Green Party spokesman cried foul on Democrats’ attempt to sue them off the ballot.

“Their Party has abandoned working people, so the only way the Democrats think they can win the White House is by blocking our candidate from the ballot,” the Green Party stated. “This is what voter suppression looks like.”

Democrats are terrified third-party candidates will spoil Biden’s chances by siphoning votes from him.

Kennedy has garnered anywhere from 7-10% support in recent polls conducted by Fox News, The Hill/Emerson, and Fabrizio/Anzalone in Nevada.

Psaki sounds the alarm on the third-party threat to Biden

Trying to get Kennedy and Stein booted off the ballot is part of the Democrat National Committee’s (DNC) strategy to neutralize the threat of third parties.

Former Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki warned that third-party candidates could be the “biggest challenge” to Biden’s re-election in a March appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

“These third-party candidates are a huge, huge, huge problem, and there’s a number of them,” Psaki said.

She noted that Kennedy was unique as an independent candidate because of his name recognition.

“If you look at RFK Jr., it’s the name recognition issue, as Tom was just talking about,” Psaki explained. “And there are still states in this country, obviously – I mean, Georgia is one of them, I will name, where the Kennedy name is beloved, right?”

Psaki pointed out that the DNC was working to stamp this problem out for Biden.

“There is an aggressive effort that the campaign has been working with the Democratic National Committee on to run on this, but it needs to be broad, people need to be shouting it from the rooftops because this is one of the biggest threats to Joe Biden being reelected – is these third-party candidates,” Psaki exclaimed.

The Biden campaign knows that third-party candidates cost him the election in close states.

Now, the DNC is going all-in on getting them kicked off the ballot to boost the Democrat President’s re-election chances.