Bill Maher bestowed a new nickname upon Joe Biden that will leave you rolling in laughter

Photo by David Shankbone, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia

Liberal comedian Bill Maher has always been one of Donald Trump’s biggest critics in the media.

But unlike his fellow media talking heads, Maher is not a Joe Biden cheerleader.

And Bill Maher bestowed a new nickname upon Joe Biden that will leave you rolling in laughter.

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden faced off last Thursday in a 90-minute debate hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Georgia.

Joe Biden spent the entire week doing debate prep at Camp David.

But he still turned in one of the worst debate performances in history.

Biden appeared raspy, confused and had trouble articulating a sentence.

After his performance on Thursday, Democrats and the media lost their ability to claim that Biden is mentally sharp and coherent.

On Friday’s episode of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, host Bill Maher doubled down on his assertion that Joe Biden will lose to Donald Trump this fall.

“Wow, huh? Huh? Did you see the debate?” Maher asked his audience in his opening monologue. “In case you missed it, don’t worry, so did one of the contestants.”

“All night, confused and halting and trailing off,” he said. “I’ve seen beauty pageant contestants answer questions better.”

Maher then cut a joke about Biden pooping his pants.

“How bad was Joe?” he said. “He s**t the bed so hard his new Secret Service codename is ‘Amber Heard.’”

Maher was referring to Johnny Depp’s testimony in which he claimed his ex-wife, actress Amber Heard, defecated in their bed at their Los Angeles penthouse after an argument on the night before her 30th birthday in February of 2016.

Of course, Maher is no fan of Donald Trump and accused him of lying through his teeth during the debate.

“I mean Trump told lie after lie after lie,” he said. “He never would have gotten away with that if Joe Biden was there.”

“You know Joe, he famously loves trains, but apparently not of thought,” he quipped.

He also mocked Biden’s facial expressions and said he “looked like somebody who thought he left the stove on.”

“This happened in America, formerly a real country,” Maher added.

As it stands, Maher admitted that he will not vote for Biden or Trump.

“I feel abandoned,” he said. “I have nobody to vote for.”

According to reports right now, Joe Biden is planning on staying in the race and participating in another debate against Trump in September.

But many high-profile Democrat politicians and donors are calling on Biden to step aside or else face certain defeat this fall.

Only time will tell whether or not Joe Biden steps aside and passes the torch or remains stubbornly in the race against Trump.