American Pie singer Don McLean hit Prince Harry with a reality check that left him speechless

Photo by Mark Jones, CC BY 2.0,, via Wikimedia

Prince Harry’s obnoxious antics have earned him plenty of detractors around the world.

He’s now in a feud he never saw coming.

And American Pie singer Don McLean hit Prince Harry with a reality check that left him speechless.

Prince Harry unleashes attack on Graceland

Prince Harry left the United Kingdom with his wife, Meghan Markle, to live in the United States during the 2020 COVID pandemic.

The couple has been annoying Americans with their obnoxious and self-centered behavior ever since.

Folk rock legend Don McLean joined the growing ranks of Americans fed up with Prince Harry.

The American Pie singer told the Daily Mail that Harry needed to learn to respect American culture after he slighted late rock-and-roll legend Elvis Presley’s Graceland home in Memphis, Tennessee.

“You don’t criticize America when you’re living here as our guest,” McLean said.

Harry called Graceland “dark” and “claustrophobic” in his 2023 memoir, Spare.

“I walked around saying ‘the King lived here, you say? Really?’” Harry wrote. “I stood in one tiny room with loud furniture and shag carpet and thought ‘the King’s interior designer must’ve been on acid.’”

The Graceland estate has become a shrine to the “King of Rock and Roll” and a popular tourist attraction.

McLean said that Harry’s criticism of Graceland showed just how out of touch he is with reality and America in general.

“His family were as poor as they could be and Harry criticized Elvis’s home as if he’s comparing it to Buckingham Palace, and that misses the point completely,” McLean told the Daily Mail.

Presley rose from humble roots in his hometown of Tupelo, Mississippi to become a bona fide American icon.

“He doesn’t understand that Elvis is like the poor man’s king,” McLean continued. “He came from nowhere and his recordings are among the greatest ever made.”

“He [Prince Harry] just doesn’t get America,” he added.

In his 1975 album, Today, Presley covered McLean’s And I Love You So, which he’d released just a few years earlier in 1970.

McLean slammed Harry on social media last year after his slight at Graceland was revealed.

“Harry should shut his mouth about Graceland and Elvis. He is a hot house orchid, a show horse who never did a thing,” McLean wrote on X.

The American Pie singer becomes the latest big-name musician to take a shot at Harry.

Even British rock stars can’t stand them

One of the most obnoxious traits about Prince Harry and Markle is their constant quest for the public spotlight, while claiming they want privacy.

In fact, they’ve become so well-known for engaging in shameless publicity stunts while simultaneously demanding privacy that it became the subject of an entire South Park episode entitled “The World Wide Privacy Tour” last year.

John Lydon, who performed under the stage name Johnny Rotten as the lead vocalist for the British punk rock band known as the Sex Pistols, also told The Telegraph last year that Harry and Meghan needed to disappear if they wanted their privacy.

“If you want to be normal and outside of [the royal family], then f**k off. Just f**k off and shut up!” Lydon exclaimed.

“I’ve had to make decisions like this in the past. I had to leave the Pistols, I had to break up PiL a couple of times because the situation was unsustainable,” he continued. “And if that was their dilemma then please go away, alright? And we’ll love you for it. But they won’t. And I’ve never been one for kiss and tell books. They’re very, very spiteful to families and friends.”

Prince Harry is burning bridges on both sides of the Atlantic.