All hell is breaking loose after Donald Trump described Volodymyr Zelensky with these six words

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Congress has spent nearly $200 million on Joe Biden and his fellow ruling class elites’ proxy war against Russia in Ukraine since February 2022.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky continues to demand more weapons and cash from working-class American taxpayers.

But all hell is breaking loose after Donald Trump described Volodymyr Zelensky with these six words.

It’s been more than two years since Russia invaded Ukraine.

And despite nearly $200 billion in “aid” straight from the pockets of working-class American taxpayers, Russia continues to dominate Ukraine and holds the upper hand on the battlefield.

But the Biden regime refuses to face the reality that Ukraine has zero chance of defeating Russia. 

President Joe Biden signed a 10-year bilateral security deal with Ukraine last week.

More and more Americans are starting to sour on more funding for Biden’s proxy war with Russia.

On Saturday, former President Donald Trump delivered the keynote address at Turning Point Action’s “People’s Conference” in Michigan, where he addressed the Ukraine war.

Trump ripped Biden for all of the wasteful spending since he took office in January 2021 and promised to end it.

“I’ll stop Joe Biden’s inflation-causing spending spree, and oppose an immediate moratorium on all of Crooked Joe’s hundreds of billions of dollars in waste,” Trump said. 

Trump pointed out how a large portion of Joe Biden’s massive spending was dedicated to fighting so-called climate change by funding the Left’s green energy agenda, which he called a “scam.”

“He’s wasting money at levels never seen before,” Trump said. “He’s putting all this money into the Green New scam,” he continued. “It’s a scam, one of the greatest scams in history.”

But domestic issues were not the only Biden failures that Trump pointed out during his speech.

He also brought up Biden and his fellow ruling class elites’ proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and described Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “the greatest salesman” he’s ever seen.

“Although I give Zelensky, I think Zelensky is maybe the greatest salesman of any politician that’s ever lived,” Trump said. “Every time he comes to our country, he walks away with $60 billion.”

However, Trump admitted that his issue was more with Biden than Zelensky.

He recalled the first impeachment hoax when Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) lied about his phone call with President Zelensky.

“And, I like him,” Trump said in reference to Zelensky. “You know on the impeachment hoax number one, he was very good,” Trump continued. “He said, ‘No, the President didn’t threaten me at all.’” 

“He could have been a Grand Stander and said, ‘I was threatened,’” Trump said. “So, I like him,” Trump continued, before adding, “but he’s the greatest salesman of all time.”