Lauren Boebert just cast one vote to help ensure against Kamala Harris’ open-border policies

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

One of Kamala Harris’ biggest hurdles on her path to the White House is the ongoing Biden-Haris border crisis.

Americans have witnessed the results of her tenure as Border Czar, and they’re not impressed, to say the least. 

And now Lauren Boebert just cast one vote to help ensure Americans against Kamala Harris’ open-borders policies. 

The lie behind “sanctuary cities” 

Many of the largest Democrat-run cities across America consider themselves “sanctuary cities.” 

The policy is meant to sound kind. 

After all, the dictionary definition of “sanctuary” is: 

“A place of refuge or safety.” 

People often think of churches as providing “sanctuary.” 

However, that’s not what these “sanctuary cities” offer. 

A sanctuary city establishes municipal laws that blatantly defy federal policies by protecting illegal aliens from deportation and prosecution.

Often, sanctuary cities also prohibit law enforcement from marking immigration status on criminal reports. 

A more accurate term for these cities would be “harboring havens.”

Because what these cities are actually doing is unlawfully harboring illegal aliens so they can continue breaking the law. 

These policies act as a magnet, drawing even more illegal aliens to them. 

This, in turn, puts pressure and stress on the entire city’s infrastructure, from the housing to the job market, from the schools to the hospitals. 

It doesn’t take long before the ramifications spread to neighboring communities. 

And Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has had enough. 

The “No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act”

Representative Nick LaLota (R-NY) introduced a bill to the U.S. House of Representatives that would prohibit the federal government from furbishing “sanctuary cities” with any funding to assist them with their illegal alien crisis. 

This comes after Democrat Mayors Eric Adams of New York, Brandon Johnson of Chicago, Mike Johnston of Denver, and many others have pleaded with the Biden-Harris White House and Congress to bail them out of the mess they’ve created with hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds. 

While Mayor Johnston wants taxpayers from all over America to fund his “sanctuary city,” the neighboring Aurora wishes Denver would stop attracting more and more illegal aliens to the area. 

Trending Politics has reported that illegal gangs from Venezuela have completely taken over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado.

“Multiple apartment buildings have been taken over by the armed gangs,” Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg tweeted. “The gangs are now collecting rents after they ‘pushed out’ the property management.”

Fox News even reported that the gang leaders have greenlit its members attacking the police.

And that’s not where the crime stops.

“We have obtained a confidential report, which alleges, according to witness interviews, that the apartments saw a string of crimes, including trespassing, assault, extortion, drug use, illegal firearm possession, human trafficking, and sexual abuse,” reported Bestselling author and investigative journalist Christopher F. Rufo.

And that’s why Colorado’s Laren Boebert supported Congressman LaLota’s bill. 

Lauren Boebert vs. Kamala Harris 

Representative Boebert was proud to vote to end bailouts for “sanctuary cities.” 

“Legislation will prohibit federal funds from being used to bail out sanctuary cities,” Boebert tweeted. “We need to disincentivize illegal immigration, and this bill is a great step in the right direction.”

Boebert was quick to remind voters who were to blame for the illegal immigration issues that are at the base of the “sanctuary city” symptoms. 

“Kamala Harris’s reign as Border Czar has been one of the most detrimental decisions for our national security in American history,” Boebert added. “Colorado’s sanctuary policies for illegals encourage the surge from the Southern Border to our communities, like Aurora.” 

LaLota’s “No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act” did pass in the People’s Chamber, largely along party lines. 

However, with Democrats holding onto a slim lead in the U.S. Senate, it’s unlikely the bill will go anywhere in the Upper Chamber. 

And even if it somehow did, there’s no way Kamala Harris would allow President Joe Biden to sign the bill into law.