What a DNA test proved this Montana man did to his livestock will leave you shaking your head in disbelief

photo by Spencer Selover from Pexels

DNA testing was first introduced and used as evidence in the court system in 1986.

It’s helped police identify thousands of suspects in cases all across the world.

But what a DNA test proved this Montana man did to his livestock will leave you shaking your head in disbelief.

The science and technology behind the use of DNA forever changed the legal field and how criminal cases are conducted.

DNA helps law enforcement place suspects at a crime scene and allows forensic genealogists to solve cases that have been closed for decades.

But it doesn’t just help law enforcement track down and bring criminals to justice.

According to the Innocence Project, DNA testing has helped exonerate more than 375 innocent people who were convicted of a crime they didn’t commit.

And in Laredo, Montana, it recently helped officers add an additional charge of bestiality death of an animal to 23-year-old Ricardo Segura Jr.

Back in February, police responded to a call regarding a dead donkey at a ranch in Laredo.

Once on the scene, police found knives that were stained with blood and hair, which indicated the donkey had been brutally killed.

A few days later, police responded to another call from the ranch, but this time about a dead pony.

The officers discovered a pickaxe and gloves near a pony that had been tied to a tree and tortured to death.

Both incidents indicated that sexual abuse of the animal occurred before they were slaughtered.

After interviewing witnesses, Segura, who lived near the ranch, emerged as the top suspect in the case.

“A search of Segura’s home yielded items resembling those found at the crime scenes,” KGNS reported. “Segura’s father disclosed his son’s struggles with mental health issues.”

Police arrested Segura and charged him with two counts of cruelty to livestock animals.

They also conducted DNA testing at both crime scenes, revealing truly shocking results.

On May 21, police announced that Segura would be additionally charged with bestiality death of an animal.

“Segura’s DNA was found at the location of the dead animal,” Laredo police wrote in a statement.

Needless to say, local residents are still reeling from the revelation that such a sickening crime was being committed nearby.