Tommy Tuberville dropped the hammer on Chuck Schumer for this awful political stunt

Photo by Senate Democrats, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Chuck Schumer is trying to change the public’s perception of Democrats being out-of-touch elitists.

But he failed in a spectacular display of incompetence. 

And Tommy Tuberville dropped the hammer on Chuck Schumer for this awful political stunt.

Schumer confirms that he’s never used a grill in his life

Democrats like to claim that they’re the party that’s fighting for working-class Americans in Washington, D.C.

But they’ve become the party of the wealthy, ruling class, coastal elites.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tried to make himself seem like the average American for Father’s Day with a post on social media.

“Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbeque with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill!” Schumer wrote on X. “Father’s Day Heaven!”

Schumer confirmed that he never operated a grill or made a cheeseburger in his life.

The picture showed him holding a spatula and placing a slice of cheese on a raw hamburger patty on the grill with a giant grin.

Of course, anyone who’s ever made a cheeseburger knows that cheese goes on last.

Schumer’s attempt to make himself seem like the common man, blew up in his face in spectacular fashion.

Ridicule poured in on social media to his grilling flub, which resulted in him deleting the post.

Tuberville is willing to give Chuck Schumer some lessons on grilling

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) skewered Schumer for his grilling flub during an appearance on The Benny Show.

“First of all, he’s cooking on a gas grill,” Tuberville explained. “In the South, we call that communism. I cook with regular coal — lump coal and applewood chips.”

The former college football coach gave him a lesson on grilling.

“I like to cook steaks and chicken — I cook it all — sausage. But there’s a way to cook it, too,” Tuberville continued. “You got to soak your apple chips or your hickory chips for about 30 minutes, then you put in your charcoal to give it that flavor.”

Schumer has been a career politician after first running for political office in 1974.

“He’s trying to show people that hey, he’s just an average guy that goes up and cooks and all that — you can tell he’s never cooked in his life,” Tuberville added.

Host Benny Johnson suggested filming a video to teach the Senate Majority Leader how to operate a grill.

“We can invite him and teach him how to do it,” Tuberville said. “He wouldn’t know the difference between a hot dog and a hamburger patty, I’ll tell you right now.”

Tuberville revealed that in almost four years of serving in the Senate, Schumer has never said a word to him.

Chuck Schumer’s grilling stunt for Father’s Day only confirmed that he’s another clueless, out-of-touch member of the elite.