This hair-raising example of the “evil” threatening children in today’s world is sending parents into a total panic

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

Parents can’t seem to catch a break these days as they fight to protect their children from the world.

Woke extremists are trying to brainwash them into joining their ever-expanding religious cult.

But this hair-raising example of the “evil” threatening children in today’s world is sending parents into a total panic.

“There’s something in them that’s evil. . .”

Alex Rosen is a 24-year-old Texan who grew up watching Chris Hansen on To Catch a Predator

The obsession with catching online pedophiles led him to create his own Predator Poachers network. 

That led Rosen to become one of the most popular freelance predator hunters in the United States today. 

Rosen’s organization claims to have been involved in the arrest of child predators in at least a dozen states. 

In the beginning, he had some sympathy for the predators. 

“I was naïve enough to think that ‘Oh, it’s not evil. They’re just lonely or something,’” he said. 

But he eventually came to realize that even though he still believes some “people can be born pedophiles,” there was a demonic element involved. 

“There’s something in them that’s evil, where they have the capacity to commit evil easier than other people do,” he said in an interview with the Christian Post (CP).

Then, he told the story of Clayton Tanner.

Man told decoy that he wanted to “drink her blood”

Tanner was one of many people that he baited using a decoy for an underage girl on social media. 

Rosen confronted him in Cheyenne, Wyoming. 

This became one of the most obvious moments for him that these people are inspired by demonic influences. 

Tanner had a lengthy conversation with the decoy posing as an 11-year-old girl. 

And what he told them is enough to make your hair stand on end. 

According to the CP, “Tanner communicated. . .that he desired to cut her with a knife and drink her blood. . .[and] the blood of the girl’s infant sister.”

Another would-be predator in Ohio answered the door “wearing a black cross. . .[and] very demoned-out.” 

“He was definitely a satanist,” he explained. 

Rosen said these satanic interactions happened often “enough to say it’s a recurring thing.”

Now, his latest catch is causing a shakeup in the Democrat Party.

Democrat activist removed from position after sting operation

On June 20, Rosen confronted a man who had been texting with a decoy for a 14-year-old boy. 

“Luke” as he called him, interacted with the man over the course of several months and was solicited with rape fantasies. 

The “boy” received multiple explicit photos and was told that he would be urinated on when they met.

The predator turned out to be a Democrat lobbyist from Maryland named Michael Knaapen, who served as the chair of the Maryland Democrat Party’s LGBTQ Diversity Leadership. 

Knaapen was relatively high up in the Party and had even visited the White House.

The Maryland Democrat Party has since removed him from his position based on what they call “accusations.” 

“The Maryland Democratic Party is aware of a video circulating online that leveled serious accusations against a volunteer with the Party. . .[he] is no longer affiliated with the Maryland Democrat Party,” they said in a statement.

This is the “evil” that is threatening children in today’s modern world.

Conservative Underground News will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.