This Catholic Cardinal has the Vatican in chaos after he blew the whistle on those using the Bible to justify this evil

Krzysztof Golik, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Bible is often used to justify people’s behavior. Sometimes for good, sometimes for nefarious reasons.

And it is easy to twist Scripture to make up an evil where it doesn’t really exist.

But this Catholic Cardinal has the Vatican in chaos after he blew the whistle on those using the Bible to justify this evil.

The Bible Doesn’t Say Millions Can Flood into Your Country

The Catholic Church has three layers of management. Most are familiar with the Pope, who heads the Church, but the next highest level is the College of Cardinals, who not only advise the Pope but also help shape much of the direction of the Church.

Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea is one of the top leaders in the Roman Catholic Church.

He was recently interviewed in the French magazine Valeurs Actuelles and shocked leftists everywhere when he railed against those who think mass migration is a Biblical idea.

He said that those who think God supports mass migration are “bewitched.”

The Daily Caller quotes him as saying: “He also added that most immigrants who migrate into Europe often end up living in poor conditions and “without work or dignity. God never wanted these heartbreaks.”

He also reminded would-be immigrants that they are better flourishing in their own culture than being swallowed up in western decadence.

Pope Francis disagrees with Cardinal Sarah. The Pope often equates opposition to mass immigration to abortion and thinks you can say the Bible tells us to do mass immigration.

This is the second time the Pontiff has gotten into a public disagreement with Cardinal Sarah. The other was over an internal dispute where the Pope was decentralizing the Church’s power.

Warning Against Islam’s Spread

The Cardinal also warned that the spread of mass immigration could lead to the end of western civilization, especially the teachings of the church.

The only thing that would replace it is radical Islam, and that would be dangerous.

In the Daily Caller article, he said: “If Europe disappears, and with it the priceless values of the Old Continent, Islam will invade the world, and we will completely change culture, anthropology and moral vision.” 

It is estimated that Europe has been invaded by 5.2 million immigrants, most from Muslim countries, and it is having a negative impact on the continent.

France is now over 8% Islamic, and they are seeing these migrants becoming more militant and taking over parts of Paris and some suburbs.

While many Christians thought it was their duty to take in refugees from war ravaged regions of the world, they are starting to figure out that most are coming for money and have no interest in becoming westernized.

They also see the world with a different cultural view. The grew up under Sharia law and many think it is perfectly fine to rape non-Islamic women.