The Pentagon is quivering with anxiety as they will be forced to reveal some of their biggest UFO secrets

Photo by Derpy CG from Pexels

UFOs are either the biggest hoax or cover-up in the history of the United States.

And it looks like all the files may be released that the government has if Congress gets its way.

The Pentagon is quivering with anxiety as they will be forced to reveal some of their biggest UFO secrets.

What is the government hiding on UFOs?

It’s late at night and you are driving down a back road trying to stay awake.

Just as you are fighting to keep your eyelids open something whizzes past you in the sky at unthinkable speed.

A part of you is wondering, is this a UFO?

The thought of something being from out of this world isn’t unique to our time or society.

People throughout history have been asking themselves if man is alone in the universe, and some civilizations have even made it mainstream to think that aliens and UFOs are real.

But such thoughts of extraterrestrials have been tarnished into a silly thought by the U.S. government.

Ever since the events that transpired around Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, the ruling class elites who control the U.S. government have invested countless man hours and taxpayer money to make the concept of UFOs and aliens into something that can easily be brushed aside as a “conspiracy theory.”

But no matter how hard the government tries, people still see things no one can explain and experience situations that leave them no other explanation besides they came in contact with E.T.

And now, the U.S. government is in full defense mode as people learn more and more about their attempts to cover up stories while investigating said stories’ truthfulness at the same time.

As we have learned in recent years, even the military has been taking the sightings and stories of UFOs seriously, to the point in which they have spent billions of tax dollars looking into the matter.

And thanks to some members of Congress, the Pentagon has been forced to share some of their declassified investigations and videos pertaining to UFOs, or as they like to call them, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).

But now, some in Congress are demanding that the Pentagon declassify all of its files pertaining to UFOs and aliens.

We may know all about UFOs soon

Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN) is trying his best to force the Deep State to share what they know about UFOs with the public.

As Congressman Burchett put it while on Fox News, “It’s simple. They spend all this time telling us they don’t exist, then release the files, dagnabbit.”

The total bill being proposed by Burchett is only one and a half pages long, and is simply titled “The UAP Transparency Act.”

He continued by explaining, “I don’t want some crazy, fancy name for it. I just want them to do exactly what the bill is about.

Then the Congressman got to the core issue of the bill.

Americans are spending tens of millions of dollars each year “on something that you say doesn’t exist, (and) yet you continue spending the money on it. It makes you wonder.”

Only time will tell if the bill gets anywhere in the House and Senate, but it would be nice to know what the military knows about UFOs.