The jaw-dropping admission this famous atheist made about Christianity will literally blow your mind

Photo by George Bakos via Unsplash

Christianity has been under constant assault from woke Democrats.

They want to make their woke extremist religious cult the sole religion throughout the world.

And the jaw-dropping admission this famous atheist made about Christianity will literally blow your mind.

British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, one of the leaders of the “New Atheism” movement, recently said that while he’s “happy” with the fact that a growing number of his fellow Britons are rejecting Christianity as a religion, he’s suddenly dismayed that it comes with the destruction of Christian culture and the rise of opposing beliefs.

Christianity in Dawkins’ homeland

During a recent interview, Dawkins was asked about Easter, and revealed that he was “slightly horrified to hear that Ramadan is being promoted instead.”

“I do think that we are culturally a Christian country and I call myself a cultural Christian,” Dawkins admitted. “I’m not a believer, but there’s a distinction between being a believing Christian and being a cultural Christian. And so, you know, I love hymns and Christmas carols, and I sort of feel at home in the Christian ethos. I feel that we are a Christian country in that sense.”

“It’s true that statistically the number of people who actually believe in Christianity is going down, and I am happy with that,” he added. “But I would not be happy if, for example, we lost all our cathedrals and beautiful parish churches. So I count myself a cultural Christian. I think it would matter, certainly if we substituted any alternative religion. That would be truly dreadful.”

This is a truly jaw-dropping statement from Dawkins.

He essentially made a utilitarian argument for God.

Dawkins would never call himself a believer, but he acknowledges that Christianity has wrought a flourishing society that he would hate to lose.

British conservative author Douglas Murray made a similar argument in his book The Strange Death of Europe.

Murray argued that Europe had lost faith in itself as a civilization, which coincided with a decline in Christianity.

Meanwhile, Europe has taken in millions of illegal aliens from Islamic countries, who very much believe in their religion.

Now, several European countries face serious issues related to immigration because they have given up on the project of assimilation.

A loss of identity

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that multiculturalism had failed.

Multiculturalism is not the belief that different cultures can come together in one country, like the “melting pot” the United States is supposed to be – rather, it’s the idea that vastly different cultures filled with individuals who speak vastly different languages could somehow coexist within the same country completely independent of one another.

The result has been unassimilated enclaves of individuals who refuse to accept the cultural mores of the host country.

Dawkins cannot have a culture of Christianity without Christianity, which he is probably coming to realize, even if he doesn’t quite want to admit it just yet.

At his core, Dawkins is a scientist, and he is watching science and reason being railroaded by woke extremists who do not care about facts and empirical evidence.

They are far more intolerant and close-minded than the Christians who Richard Dawkins and other atheists have smeared and slandered for decades.