The anti-Trump tirade that got this woke extremist college administrator fired will send a chill down your spine

Photo by Stanley Morales from Pexels

Part of social media’s undeniable magic is the unfiltered access normal Americans have to the deranged rantings of woke Democrats.

The unhinged ravings of egomaniacal leftists reveal each day just how evil the so-called party of “tolerance” truly is.

And now the anti-Trump tirade that got this woke extremist college administrator fired will send a chill down your spine.

This is going too far

Since Vice President Kamala Harris’ crushing defeat, Democrats have not bothered to hide their utter hatred for anyone who does not bow down to its woke doctrine.

A 24-hour television network could be programmed with shocking and disgusting rants posted on social media against patriotic Americans.

As bad as these are, they are infinitely worse when they originate from someone who has a powerful influence over young people.

Such was the case with University of Oregon Fraternity and Sorority Life leader Leonard Serrato.

The college administrator posted on Instagram that Trump voters should “jump off a [expletive] bridge.”

Serrato said that he was done with being sad over the election and is now angry that the American people soundly rejected Kamala.

Then, he went too far for his employers.

After boasting that he is proud of being “petty,” Serrato instructed his followers “in the most disrespectful way possible” to commit suicide.

“I don’t care if you are my family, my friend, or if we’ve been friends our entire lives,” the university administrator explained.

Serrato added, “You can literally go [expletive] yourself if you voted for Donald Trump. If you are so sad about your groceries being expensive, get a better [expletive] job.”

That’s precisely what the radical extremist is about to have to do after being unceremoniously dumped by the University of Oregon after initially being suspended.

UO spokesperson Eric Howald confirmed that Serrato will no longer receive paychecks from the taxpayer-funded institution.

Remember, this is not a Bible Belt college in the South that welcomes 100,000 fans to its football games on Saturdays in the fall.

This is Oregon, one of the bluest states in the Republic.

When exposed as a hateful fraud, the victim card always comes in handy

As might be expected, the nose ring-wearing, middle-aged Serrato did not take his firing lying down.

Instead, he is busy somehow painting himself as a so-called “victim” of conservatives who went after “my work email, my personal email, my address, my family’s address back in Los Banos, and my cellphone number.”

Serrato claimed to have received more than 2,000 communications taking him to task for making light of such a serious issue as suicide—all for political points.

What did he legitimately expect after urging tens of millions of Americans to end their lives? 

As a public employee, Serrato should have been, and surprisingly was, held to a standard that, at minimum, does not include wishing for death for your fellow citizens.

It’s too bad he’s not female as he would be a perfect fit for The View.

Then again, he’s a Democrat, so anything’s possible.