Texas picked a fight with the Biden-Harris regime over this war zone

Photo by UNC - CFC - USFK, via Wikimedia, CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Texas has been in a war with the Biden-Harris regime to secure the southern border. 

Now it’s ramping up to the next level. 

And Texas picked a fight with the Biden-Harris regime over this war zone. 

Texas defies Biden-Harris regime to seize control of drug cartel island

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been fighting to secure the southern border in his state since the border crisis broke out in 2021.

He launched Operation Lone Star that year, which became the largest state-led border security effort in American history. 

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala claim that they care about border security because it’s an election year. 

But they’ve been trying to stop Texas from securing its border for the last three years. 

One of the hot spots for activity by the Mexican drug cartels is Fronton Island in the Rio Grande River between Texas and Mexico. 

The 170-acre uninhabited island is part of Texas but the Biden-Harris regime surrendered it to the cartels and illegal aliens.

Heavily wooded areas on the island give the cartels the ability to operate undetected on Texas soil.

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Texas National Guard installed over a mile of razor wire on the island and established a permanent presence there. 

DPS spokesman Chris Olivarez told NBC San Antonio that the Mexican drug cartels had established a beachhead in America on Fronton Island. 

“We’ve encountered armed gunmen and cartel members who have come across on Fronton, and we’ve encountered ammunition,” Olivarez said.

Texas tells the Biden-Harris regime to kick rocks

The Biden-Harris regime ordered Texas to return Fronton Island to its “pre-construction conditions.”

Fronton Island is property of the federal government, according to the regime.

Governor Abbott wrote a letter to Biden and Kamala informing them that Texas wouldn’t be giving up the island. 

“For years, the cartels were ‘running rampant’ in Fronton Island’s ‘thick vegetation’ and ‘bullet-pocked structures’ along the river to stage illegal entries, surveil state and federal law enforcement, stash weapons, plant explosives, evade apprehension, and engage in open warfare against rival cartels and against state and federal officers,” Abbott wrote.

Abbott confirmed that Fronton Island was being used as an armory by the cartels.

“On one occasion recounted in the citations below, authorities found ‘six assault rifles, a grenade launcher, a rocket launcher, 20 ammunition magazines for various-sized weapons and three packages of what appeared to be C-4 plastic explosives’ hidden on the Island,” Abbott stated. “On another, Texas soldiers found an improvised explosive device ‘buried amid a stash of weapons and semi-automatic rifle ammunition.'”

The Texas Governor ripped the Biden-Harris regime for its refusal to secure the border.

“Your open-border policies have allowed an invasion at the southern border and incentivized criminal activity that threatens the lives of Texas law enforcement, soldiers, and citizens,” Abbott said. “Yet, in the wake of a crisis that it helped create, the federal government has refused to enforce federal laws – even in dangerous areas like Fronton Island.”

Texas is stepping up to do the job Kamala Harris and Joe Biden refuse to do at the southern border.