Texas gave Donald Trump one message that confirmed the worst about Kamala Harris

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Kamala Harris is running scared from her record on the border. 

She has nowhere left to hide. 

And Texas gave Donald Trump one message that confirmed the worst about Kamala Harris. 

Texas designates Venezuelan prison gang as a terrorist group 

Crime is surging across the country thanks in part to the countless criminals and thugs who have crossed the southern border. 

The ultraviolent Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua has taken advantage of the Biden-Harris border crisis to begin operating in dozens of cities around the country. 

Tren de Aragua made national news after a viral video on social media brought attention to their rise in Colorado. 

Armed gang members were seen trying to shake down residents of an Aurora, Colorado, apartment complex.

Tren de Aragua took over at least three apartment complexes in Aurora to extort residents and use as a base of operations.

One state is trying to nip this growing problem in the bud. 

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that his state was declaring Tren de Aragua a foreign terrorist organization.

“We will bring the full weight of the government against the TDA [Tren de Aragua] by declaring TDA a foreign terrorist organization,” Abbott said at a press conference in Houston. “Texas will use the courts to halt their operations, use civil asset forfeiture to take their property, use enhanced criminal penalties to keep them in jail, behind bars for longer periods of time.”

Texas ready to go to war against Tren de Aragua 

Abbott ordered the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to designate Tren de Aragua as a tier-one gang. 

The DPS is creating strike teams made up of highway patrol officers, SWAT teams, Texas Rangers, helicopters, and K-9 units to disrupt the gang’s activity in the state. 

Abbott said that the gang has more than 100 ongoing investigations into them across the country, including the shooting of two police officers in New York City. 

A Homeland Security Investigations report from July found that Tren de Aragua members in Colorado had been given the green light by the gang’s leadership to shoot law enforcement. 

Abbott said that the border city of El Paso had become “ground zero” for the gang in the state. 

Hatchet-wielding members of Tren de Aragua took over a hotel in El Paso, Texas, and used it for their base of operations in the city.

“For example, recently, El Paso residents were concerned about criminal activity at the Gateway Hotel in El Paso,” Abbott said. “In the last few months, DPS special agents worked with the El Paso Police Department gang units to arrest criminal activity at and around El Paso’s Gateway Hotel. More than 20 arrests were made, many of whom were suspected TDA members for charges that include human smuggling, prostitution, possession of illegal drugs, as well as other crimes.”

Vice President Kamala Harris helped President Joe Biden open the border in 2021. 

She refused to secure it as the Border Czar.

Tren de Aragua is on a rampage across the country because the Biden-Harris administration let them in through the southern border.