“South Park” just made one announcement about Donald Trump that has him grinning from ear-to-ear

Donald Trump
Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

No one roasts public figures quite like South Park.

But the comedy series just gave the Republican Presidential candidate a gift that could help him on Election Day.

And now South Park just made one announcement about Donald Trump that has him grinning from ear to ear.

Society is ripe for South Park content

As our society crumbles down to its core, sometimes all you can do is laugh about what we are all witnessing. 

And no one makes fun of society like South Park. 

South Park started roasting society back in 1997, and ever since then, the comedic cartoon has become as much a part of Americana as Apple pie and taxes. 

Nearly every episode hits a cord with its viewers like no other show on television has in modern history.

Sometimes, its blunt honesty is educational because of the show’s disregard for political correctness. 

For instance, no one has provided a more accurate summary of scientology than South Park

But its pure entertainment value on issues like politics makes it very influential. 

The show has a long history of mocking absurdities on both sides of the political aisle, taking aim at hypocrisies and boneheaded positions from both Democrats and Republicans alike.

In recent years, though, South Park has made it a point to make mocking Democrats’ woke extremist nonsense a key part of their show, giving rise to what some refer to as “South Park Republicanism.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean they haven’t mocked former President Donald Trump, which they did throughout the 2016 and 2020 elections.

But this election is proving to be far different, as South Park’s creators just handed Trump a gift that no one saw coming.

No attacks from South Park

South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker – who have written virtually every episode and voiced many of the show’s characters since its 1997 debut – sat down with Vanity Fair for an interview about their hit comedy series. 

During the interview, the two creators were asked about their plans for South Park during this election cycle. 

And they provided an answer Democrats probably didn’t want to hear. 

South Park will not be airing any new content over the rest of the election cycle. 

Stone told Vanity Fair, “We’ve tried to do South Park through four or five presidential elections, and it is such a hard thing to — it’s such a mind scramble, and it seems like it takes outsized importance. Obviously, it’s fucking important, but it kind of takes over everything and we just have less fun.”

To the shock of the left-wing magazine, Parker added, “I don’t know what more we could possibly say about Trump.”

The two creators were asked if they are just trying to avoid making fun of Trump and this crazy election cycle. 

Stone quickly responded, “Honestly, it’s on purpose.”

This is a gift to Trump as it reduces the chance that something from the show could be used by Democrats against him.

All they have left is Saturday Night Live, which no one watches anyway at this point.