Sean Hannity made one shocking prediction about the Trump-Biden debate that left Lara Trump stunned

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Sparks will be flying when Donald Trump and Joe Biden square off in their first debate later this week.

The Democrat President is looking to change the trajectory of the race with his performance. 

And Sean Hannity made one shocking prediction about the debate that left Lara Trump stunned.

Hannity’s Wild Debate Prediction

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are squaring off in their first Presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle on CNN this Thursday, June 27.

Hosting the debate in late June rather than later in the fall is a break from the traditional Presidential debate schedule, but both candidates are eager to hit the stage early for their own reasons.

Biden, in particular, is hoping that with an early Presidential debate, he’ll be able to perform well enough to change his campaign’s trajectory, as most every poll indicates that he’s trailing Trump.

Biden’s public appearances of late have been marked by confused behavior, gaffes, and freezing up.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity talked about the upcoming debate with Republican National Committee Co-Chair and the former President’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, on Hannity.

The Biden campaign knows that the Democrat President has to try to quiet concerns about his fitness for office during the debate.

CNN assigned its hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash to serve as the moderators for the debate.

“All right, so we know that fake Jake Tapper is not a Donald Trump supporter,” Hannity said. “He’s been pretty you know, transparent about it. He’s a liberal talk show host.”

“The same with Dana Bash. It’s going to be three-on-one,” he continued. “But you — the former President, you know, took on the challenge I don’t think you’ll regret it.”

Hannity suggested that Biden would be jacked up like he was during his March State of the Union address.

“However, the Joe Biden that we’re talking about tonight, I don’t think will be the Joe Biden we’re going to see on debate night,” Hannity remarked.

“I think the Joe Biden we see on debate night is going to be the guy that we saw at the State of the Union — he’s going to be all hyped up, you know, hyper-caffeinated,” he said. “Whatever ‘it’ is.”

Hannity says Biden needs to be drugged tested 

Trump called for Biden to be drug-tested before the debate when it was first announced in May.

“It’s interesting that 70% of the country does like the idea of drug testing,” Hannity quipped. “I like the idea. They do it to athletes, they do it to horses and horse racing. Why not do it to presidential candidates? I like the idea. 70% of Americans apparently agree with me.”

Hannity asked Lara Trump what she was expecting out of the debate.

“Yeah, well, this is nothing new,” Lara replied. “Of course, the cards have always been stacked against Donald Trump. Since the day he came down the escalator to announce he was running for president as a Republican.”

For decades, the debates were organized and run by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

Now, the rules are set after closed-door negotiations between the networks and candidates.

Biden will have the benefit of commercial breaks, no studio audience, and Trump’s microphone will be cut off any time the Democrat President is speaking.

Democrats will be doing everything to keep him from face-planting on national TV.