Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was left rolling his eyes after this school announced a celebration of fatness you have to see to believe

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0,

America is suffering from an obesity epidemic.

That’s why Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are working to Make America Healthy Again.

But Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was left rolling his eyes after this school announced a celebration of fatness you have to see to believe.

Obesity is at all-time highs in America as more adults and children are fatter than ever before.

Nationally, four-in-ten American adults are obese. 

“Obesity rates for U.S. adults were at or higher than 35 percent in twenty-three states in 2023, part of a multi-decade increase in the rates of Americans living with obesity,” Trust for America’s Health reported. “In comparison, in 2012, no state had an adult obesity rate at or above 35 percent.”

But it’s not just the adults who are fat these days.

There’s also an obesity epidemic among American children.

Nearly 20% of American children and adolescents are obese.

This is more than triple what it was in the mid-1970s.

President-elect Donald Trump named former Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. as his Secretary of Health and Human Services in order to Make America Healthy Again.

“For too long, Americans have been crushed by the industrial food complex and drug companies who have engaged in deception, misinformation, and disinformation when it comes to Public Health,” Trump wrote when he announced Kennedy as HHS Secretary. “The Safety and Health of all Americans is the most important role of any Administration, and HHS will play a big role in helping ensure that everybody will be protected from harmful chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, pharmaceutical products, and food additives that have contributed to the overwhelming Health Crisis in this Country,” Trump continued. “Mr. Kennedy will restore these Agencies to the traditions of Gold Standard Scientific Research, and beacons of Transparency, to end the Chronic Disease epidemic, and to Make America Great and Healthy Again!”

As a matter of fact, the obesity epidemic is so bad, the University of Maryland is offering a course called “Intro to Fat Studies” in the spring semester of 2025.

On its website, the University says that the course “examines fatness as an area of human difference subject to privilege and discrimination that intersects with other systems of oppression based on gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and ability.”

But the class isn’t designed to encourage healthy behavior.

It’s a bunch of woke extremist nonsense.

“Though we will look at fatness as intersectional, this course will particularly highlight the relationship between fatness and Blackness,” the course description reads. “We approach this area of study through an interdisciplinary humanities and social-science lens which emphasizes fatness as a social justice issue.”

RFK will be furious when he hears about the course.

But he will also be more motivated than ever to Make America Healthy Again.

In a video posted to X, Kennedy talked about the health epidemic in America. 

“It’s no coincidence that Americans die earlier than Canadians or Germans or Italians or Japanese or Australians or almost any other comparable country,” Kennedy said in the video.

He said it used to be different.

“Until the early 1990s, our life expectancy was the same or better than other developed countries,” he said. “Then, suddenly, more Americans began suffering from chronic disease, obesity, cancer, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and all kinds of autoimmune diseases,” he continued. “Our maternal mortality rate soared to the highest of any developed country on Earth – same with infant mortality.”

In another video, Kennedy pointed out how “no country in the world is as sick as our country.”

“77 percent of American kids are ineligible for military service because they’re either obese, or they have a chronic disease diagnosis,” he said. “The kids are fatter, the depression, the mental illness that is now exploding in our country is all related to chronic disease and to our food, to poison.” 

Americans are fat and obese.

It’s a real problem that hasn’t been taken seriously.

But Robert Kennedy Jr. is preparing to Make America Healthy Again.

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