Prince Harry made one big mistake by picking a fight with King Charles that he’ll live to regret

Photo by KoenbrNZ, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Prince Harry started a war with his family after he married Meghan Markle. 

Now he’s learning that grudges get held for a long time in the British royal family.

And Prince Harry made one big mistake by picking a fight with King Charles that he’ll live to regret. 

King Charles may never forgive Prince Harry

Prince Harry made his stepmother out to be the bad guy in his tell-all memoir Spare.

He’s tried to make amends with his family, but his father, King Charles III, may never forgive him for attacking his wife.

Charles divorced Princess Diana – Prince William and Harry’s mother – in 1996 after an affair with his now-wife, Queen Camilla.

Prince Harry has had a long-held grudge against her.

The King author Christopher Andersen said that Charles doesn’t take criticism of Camilla lightly.

“I think people have to realize that the one thing that Charles finds unforgivable is criticism of Camilla,” Andersen told Fox News.

“There’s no criticism of Camilla,” he continued. “And unfortunately for Harry… Harry said some pretty devastating things about her. He made it clear that he felt she was… the villain in the piece. I think that still bothers the king, and I don’t know that it will be easy for him to [forgive]. I don’t think they’ll ever forgive Harry for that.”

Andersen added that Prince Harry is on his own now.

Harry left with his wife, Meghan Markle, to move to California in 2020 after they left their official role with the British royal family behind.

He accused Camilla of leaking private conservations to the British media and members of the British royal family of getting “into bed with the devil” in order to secure better media coverage for themselves.

“That made her dangerous because of the connections that she was forging within the British press,” Harry told CBS. “There was open willingness on both sides to trade information. And with a family built on hierarchy, and with her on the way to being queen consort, there was gonna be people or bodies left in the street.”

Camilla spent years trying to rehabilitate her image after she was blamed for Charles and Diana’s split.

Prince Harry has a deeply held grudge against Queen Camilla

Andersen claimed that Harry is still bitter at Camilla and never accepted her.

“[Prince William and Prince Harry] didn’t want their father to marry Camilla,” Andersen stated. “They tried to talk him out of it… they had to put on a public face of acceptance.”

Charles spent years trying to get his family to accept Camilla.

“It took Charles forever, for decades, to get his mother to accept Camilla as his future bride,” Andersen explained.

But the hardest relationship for Harry to repair will be with his brother, William.

“I really do think that the hardest nut to crack in this whole scenario is William,” Andersen said. “He has taken [what Harry wrote about him] very, very personally. And he’s [very] moody. I think he’s probably the moodiest… although he is incredibly charming. Obviously, he has great people skills. But behind the scenes, I think he’s really rock hard in his feelings about things, and it’s very hard for him to change his ways.”

Prince Harry has a long way to go rebuilding his relationship with his family.