Police were sickened by what this Pennsylvania man got caught doing to a bull and a pony

Photo By Kenny Eliason via Unsplash

Officers in Adams County, Pennsylvania, recently responded to a call about a dilapidated school bus towing a trailer.

What they discovered will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

And police were sickened by what this Pennsylvania man got caught doing to a bull and a pony.

On Saturday, police in Adams County, Pennsylvania, discovered a disabled school bus pulling a makeshift trailer full of farm animals.

The bus contained 30 birds, including chickens, roosters, ducks, and turkeys, as well as three German Shepherds and an Australian Shepherd.

According to reports, the chickens were used as food for the dogs.

Police also discovered a pony and a bull inside the trailer behind the old school bus.

Unfortunately, the three German Shepherds had to be put down due to their aggressive behavior, while a duck that couldn’t walk on one foot was also euthanized. 

“The conditions were horrible,” Police Chief Francis Staab said. “There was hay all over the place, the birds and the dogs chewed up most of the interior of the whole place, there was feces all over, and the smell was horrendous.”

 But the “horrible” conditions were not the worst part of the ordeal.

Apparently, the bull and the pony were “being used for bestiality purposes.” 

The officers arrested bus owner Sean Hershbein on an outstanding warrant from West Virginia.

“Due to Hershbein’s past crimes, they say all of the animals will be tested to check for human DNA which will cost the rescue about $10k,” AOL reported.

The Adams County SPCA informed the public about the heinous crime in a post on social media.

“Today was not an easy day,” they wrote. “Last night we received a call from Eastern Adams Regional Police Department asking us to help assist in a strange situation.”

The SPCA reported that they were able to provide the animals with water and “keep them secure until morning.”

 “Today we removed 30 birds (chickens, roosters, ducks & turkeys), 4 dogs (3 German Shepherds & 1 Australian Shepherd), 1 bull, and 1 pony,” they wrote. “To say that this was a horrible situation is an understatement!!”

They pointed out how “the dogs were being fed the chickens and the bull and pony were being used for bestiality purposes (in another state).” 

“This is not something we see everyday and it’s not something we ever want to see again,” they added.

In a follow-up post, the SPCA informed the public that the animals were doing fine and were recovering from the bus abuse.

They also reported that they were paying to have the animals checked for human DNA.

“All of the animals are doing good considering what they have been through,” they wrote. “Knowing what we know about this individual and his past crimes, we felt it necessary to do testing on several of the animals to check for human DNA.”

Hopefully, Hershbein is found guilty and gets locked up for the rest of his life.