Pete Buttigieg made an utter fool of himself by trying to defend this electric vehicle disaster

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Democrats and their media allies proclaimed Pete Buttigieg a “rising star” and future Democrat Presidential candidate during the 2020 Presidential election.

His role in the Biden regime was supposed to be the resume filler he needed to elevate himself into a legitimate Presidential contender, but it has simply exposed him as a blathering buffoon.

And now Pete Buttigieg made an utter fool of himself by trying to defend this electric vehicle disaster.

Buttigieg stumbles trying to explain spectacular electric vehicle failure

Biden Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has become one of President Joe Biden’s top media surrogates on the topic of Democrats’ environmental extremist electric vehicle (EV) mandates.

Any chance he gets, Buttigieg seizes the opportunity to regurgitate Democrats’ claim that EVs are the “future of transportation.”

That’s why he was dispatched to CBS News’ Face The Nation for an interview with host Margaret Brennan.

But Buttigieg quickly realized that for once, this wouldn’t be one of the typical softball interviews Democrats have grown accustomed to taking part in with their media allies.

Brennan noted that former President Donald Trump has been hammering Biden for his support for electric vehicle mandates on the campaign trail.

She played a clip in which Trump dropped a truth bomb about electric vehicles. 

“Do you notice [Biden is] trying to save the electrical vehicle but not the gas-powered, which is the vehicle that everybody wants,” Trump said. “They’re going crazy with the electric car, costing us a fortune. We’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars subsidizing a car that nobody wants and nobody’s ever gonna buy.”

Brennan put the former South Bend, Indiana Mayor on his heels by saying that she agreed with Trump.

“He’s not wrong,” Brennan said.

“Oh, he’s wrong,” Buttigieg shot back.

“On the purchasing, he’s not,” Brennan noted.  “Of the 4 million vehicles purchased, you know what- 269,000 electric vehicles were sold in the US market. It’s up like 2%.”

Biden has been the salesman-in-chief for Democrats’ environmental extremist electric vehicle mandates and funneled billions of tax dollars to credits meant to help automakers sell more EVs.

But even with the tax credits, Bidenmobiles are simply not yet affordable or practical enough for working-class Americans to go all-in on Democrats’ EV dreams.

The best-selling vehicle in the country, the Ford F-series truck, sold more than double the number of total electric vehicles. 

Buttigieg short-circuits trying to explain public charging station debacle

The Biden regime set the goal of building 500,000 public charging stations for electric vehicles by 2030.

Expanding EV charging infrastructure is vital for the success of any plan involving the mass transition to electric vehicles.

The ruling class’ 2021 so-called “bipartisan infrastructure bill” included $7.5 billion to help build public charging stations, but only eight have been built in the nearly three years since it was passed.

Brennan quizzed Biden’s hapless Transportation Secretary on what was going on with the money.

“Why isn’t that happening more quickly?” Brennan asked. 

“So, the president’s goal is to have half a million chargers up by the end of this decade,” Buttigieg sputtered. “Now, in order to do a charger, it’s more than just plunking a small device into the ground. There’s utility work and this is also really a new category of federal investment. But we’ve been working with each of the 50 states. Every one of them is getting formula dollars to do this work, engaging them in the first handful.”

“Seven or eight, though?” a credulous Brennan asked.

“Again, by 2030, 500,000 chargers,” Buttigieg ranted. “And the very first handful of chargers are now already being physically built. But again, that’s the absolute very, very beginning stages of the construction to come.”

The Biden regime can’t even build a dozen public charging stations with billions of dollars.

Government incompetence could end up being one of the biggest obstacles to Joe Biden’s environmental extremist Bidenmobile mandates.