Nancy Pelosi confirmed that Democrats are worried sick about this Tim Walz problem

Nancy Pelosi Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Tim Walz is mired in controversy after Kamala Harris picked him as her running mate.

The biggest names in the Democrat Party are starting to weigh in. 

And Nancy Pelosi confirmed that Democrats are worried sick about this Tim Walz problem. 

Pelosi tries to do damage control for Walz

Vice President Kamala Harris has ignored the media and attacks from Republicans after she entered the race in July.

She’s riding the media hype train and ignoring any outside noise.

That came to an end after she picked Minnesota Democrat Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

Walz’s appeal on the ticket is for persona as a midwestern dad who taught high school, coached football, and served in the Army National Guard.

Democrat elites think this is the type of candidate who can speak to working-class voters in Rust Belt battleground states.

But Walz has been on the defensive since he entered the race over exaggerating and lying about his military service.

He never deployed to a combat zone, but he falsely claimed he carried weapons of war in war in a video pitching gun control.

Walz lied about being in war. 

Then he was caught inflating the rank he retired as when his biography on the Harris-Walz campaign site, the Minnesota Governor’s site, and some of his social media accounts called him a “retired Command Sergeant Major.”

Walz retired from the Army National Guard as a Master Sergeant.

Multiple soldiers who served with him accused him of turning in his retirement papers to avoid a deployment to Iraq, which left his unit in a bind losing, a senior noncommissioned officer. 

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) rushed to Walz’s defense on MSNBC’s Inside with Jen Psaki.

“First of all, it’s a sign of the bankruptcy of their ideas,” Pelosi said. “They don’t have anything to say, so they make up things.”

Pelosi advised the Kamala campaign to ignore the attacks on Walz’s military record.

“Just dismiss it,” Pelosi whined. 

“If people lie, as they are lying, and you hear the lie enough times, it sort of becomes kind of accepted in their group, and so you have to say ‘No, that didn’t happen,’” Pelosi added. “The reality has to be driven home. I’m not one to let their misrepresentations persist.”

Political damage is being done by Walz

Pelosi claimed that Republicans were somehow lying about Walz’s military record, even though it’s a rather black-and-white issue.

The Kamala campaign put out a statement that claimed Walz simply “misspoke” when he talked about being “in war” but ignored all the other verifiable lies about his service that he told for political gain.

Walz also had to change his biography in multiple places to note that he is not a retired “Command Sergeant Major” – he must’ve simply “misspoke” in all those instances as well.

His counterpart on the GOP ticket, Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), has been hammering him on the issue. 

If they could ignore the problem with Walz, they would.

Pelosi going on MSNBC to defend him is a sign that Democrats are worried those attacks are landing after he lied about his military service.

The Kamala campaign finally has a problem they can’t ignore or have the media sweep it under the rug.

Georgia and Arizona were decided by roughly 10,000 votes each in the 2020 Election.

Tim Walz could burn Kamala Harris in key battleground states by offending veterans by lying about his record.