RINO Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell declared war on Donald Trump.
But Trump isn’t taking this challenge lying down.
And Mitch McConnell made one bad move and now Donald Trump is red with rage.
RINO Senators threaten Trump cabinet nominees
Mitch McConnell cast a surprise no vote on Pete Hegseth’s confirmation as Secretary of Defense.
RINOs Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins joined McConnell in opposing Hegseth.
That means one more Republican “no” vote could sink a Trump nominee.
The White House warned the Senate about RINOs getting delusions of grandeur thinking they were the ones who got to pick Donald Trump’s cabinet.
“It’s pass-fail. You either support everyone or you don’t,” a Trump White House official said to NBC News. “The Senate needs to advise and consent, not advise and adjust.”
The White House official made it clear that the Trump political machine and outside groups were ready to rev into action to support Primary challengers to RINOs who joined McConnell, Murkowski, and Collins in opposing Trump nominees.
“There is a very well-funded consortium of outside groups and political actors that are sophisticated, smart, and tough. We’ve already seen that they’ve provided air support and narrative support to some nominees,” The Trump White House official added. “They’ll still be very well-funded when the nominations are over, and they’ll exact consequences, I’m sure, to those who do not support the president’s nominees and get them to the finish line.”
Tulsi Gabbard’s nomination for Director of National Intelligence emerged as the biggest flashpoint between Trump and the RINO establishment.
A RINO Senator told NBC News that the Senate would vote down Trump nominees who sound “like Tucker Carlson” on foreign policy.
“One Republican senator who has voted for all of Trump’s nominees so far said his colleagues will be wary of national security picks who “sound more like Tucker Carlson than a Republican,” referring to the hard-right conservative commentator who has been seen as friendly to U.S. adversaries such as Russian President Vladimir Putin,” NBC News reported.
“We’ll only give so much,” the Senator added. “Because this is the future of the country. It’s not entertainment television.”
Tucker Carlson opposes the war with Russia in Ukraine.
Carlson also opposes war with Iran.
Gabbard opposed the war in Ukraine and supported a pardon for Edward Snowden heroically disclosing Barack Obama’s crimes in illegally spying on every American’s every phone call, email, and text message.
Senate RINOs worship the surveillance state.
Mitch McConnell said the GOP’s number one priority is funding the war in Ukraine.
McConnell will be hunting around for at least one more RINO to join him and Collins in voting down Gabbard’s nomination.
But the Trump White House sent a signal to every Senate Republican that Donald Trump picked his White House team and he expects the Senate – especially RINOs who voted for virtually all of Joe Biden’s nominees like Lindsey Graham – to do their duty and confirm Trump’s picks.