Mitch McConnell issued a dire warning about one scary plan Democrats have up their sleeve

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats have been keeping their plans close to vest for next year. 

One ruling class RINO who has helped them advance much of their agenda throughout his career believes he knows what they’re up to.

And Mitch McConnell issued a dire warning about one scary plan Democrats have up their sleeve. 

McConnell reveals Senate Democrats’ plan to achieve total power

Vice President Kamala Harris hasn’t intentionally kept it light on policy details since she became the Democrat Presidential nominee. 

Democrats aren’t discussing their platform for next year if they hold the White House, Senate, and House. 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (RINO-KY) revealed what Senate Democrats have in store if they get total control of Washington, D.C. next year. 

He met with community and business leaders in an event put on by the Chamber of Commerce in Owensboro, Kentucky.

The 82-year-old is stepping down as the Republican Senate leader in November but plans to remain in office.

McConnell talked about how far to the Left the Democrat Party has shifted since he was first elected in 1984 – even though he’s happily helped advance much of that far-Left agenda.

“What I fear the most from the other side is how far Left they have all become,” McConnell said. 

He noted that Democrats used to dominate in rural western Kentucky, but now he couldn’t find them with a flashlight.

“I think that’s reflective of the fact that the other side has become very urban-oriented and very coastal-driven,” McConnell explained.

McConnell warned that if Democrats maintain control of the Senate after the election, they’ll eliminate the filibuster, which requires a 60-vote threshold on most legislation.

“(The filibuster) produces two good things. It either kills bad (ideas), or you have to reach a bipartisan agreement to do something,” McConnell said. “A classic example was the infrastructure bill, which I participated in. It’s about the only thing I thought Biden was doing right.”

Democrats plan to destroy the Supreme Court

McConnell offered a preview of what Democrats would do if they eliminated the filibuster. 

“They’ll admit the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as two new states — that’s four Democratic senators in perpetuity — and then they’ll go after the Supreme Court,” McConnell stated. “That’s how Democrats are these days, and that’s why you can’t find them in our state anymore. And it’s not just us, most of the states between the coasts have become much more Republican because the Democrats have moved so far Left.”

The end of the filibuster means that Democrats could add extra justices to the Supreme Court to create a left-wing majority. 

A Democrat-controlled Supreme Court would mean the end of the Second Amendment.

The rule of law and the Constitution would be shredded. 

Democrats would grant amnesty and give voting rights to more than 10 million illegal aliens. 

They could add as many as eight new Democrat states to make it impossible for Republicans to ever control the Senate again.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) said at the Democrat National Convention that Kamala was on board with a plan to eliminate the filibuster. 

The country could be headed to a very scary place the next time Democrats have total control in Washington, D.C.