Military leadership made illegal remarks about Donald Trump that will leave you fearful for the future of America

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0,

The United States military is supposed to be politically impartial. 

But it’s becoming crystal clear that the top brass is very involved in the outcome of the 2024 election. 

Military leadership made illegal remarks about Donald Trump that will leave you fearful for the future of America.

A military must be nonpartisan for our Republic’s sake

America’s Founding Fathers understood the risks of having a standing army under the control of a centralized government.

They knew that the chance of tyranny increases exceptionally when there is a state-sponsored military to serve at the government’s disposal. 

And to counter the threat of a standing government-controlled military, the Founding Fathers enshrined the right of people to keep and bear arms against a military force when they enacted the Second Amendment into the Bill of Rights. 

If you are curious to see exactly their fears come to life of a government-controlled military with a disarmed population, go check out what happened with the authoritarian left-wing nation of Venezuela’s recent “fair and honest” elections. 

But our nation has done a relatively good job of keeping the United States military impartial no matter who is in control of Washington, D.C.

But it looks like that’s all about to change.

The military brass against Trump?

America’s Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves as Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro has broken generations of United States military tradition to stay impartial to politics. 

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel exposed on Thursday that the Navy Secretary violated the Hatch Act as he openly endorsed President Joe Biden while viciously attacking former President Donald Trump.

According to a report released by the Office of Special Counsel, on January 25, Secretary Del Toro told the British Royal United Services Institute, “I’m confident that the American people will step up to the plate come November and support President Biden for a second term as our Commander-in-Chief, so that we can continue to work together as free democratic countries respect each other around the globe.”

If his full endorsement of Biden wasn’t horrid enough, he then went on the BBC and viciously attacked Trump.

“My worry is that, you know, we as Americans, for as long as I can remember, certainly, since I served in uniform, you’ve had both Republican and Democratic presidents who’ve always abided by the core values of our country, protecting the freedoms of Americans and other people around the globe and protecting democracy itself,” The Secretary told BBC News Sunday. “And when you have someone who doesn’t align to those core principles, it makes you wonder, you know, should you be supporting that individual?”

Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger sees this as a direct violation of both federal law and the time honored tradition of a nonpartisan military.

Special Counsel Dellinger stated, “When speaking in his official capacity on a taxpayer-funded trip, Secretary Del Toro encouraged electoral support for one candidate over another in the upcoming presidential election. This is especially troubling because Secretary Del Toro has himself acknowledged that military work and partisan politics should not be mixed.”

Doesn’t it just make you feel good to know that the top brass of the military are openly attacking the Republican Presidential candidate?

What could go wrong?!