Megyn Kelly told voters this cold hard fact about Kamala Harris

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are stitching together their closing messages as we head into the homestretch of the 2024 election.

Megyn Kelly noticed something and had to speak out.

And Megyn Kelly told voters this cold hard fact about Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris shows why she doesn’t do interviews 

Vice President Kamala Harris couldn’t even stay coherent during a softball interview conducted by MSNBC’s Stephanie Rhule – an adamantly vocal supporter of her campaign.

In the interview, Kamala drove herself into one rhetorical cul de sac after another vomiting up word salads to simple questions about the economy.

It was an unimpressive performance and it proved yet again why Kamala Harris’ handlers won’t let her do interviews.

This was Kamala Harris’ first solo interview in a national setting.

Kamala’s handlers carefully selected the network and interviewer to make sure it was the friendliest setting possible.

And Kamala Harris still botched the interview.

Megyn Kelly’s harsh response

Megyn Kelly had a fairly low opinion of Kamala Harris to begin with.

When Kelly discussed the interview on her podcast she admitted to her audience that she was grading Kamala Harris “on a curve.”

But even trying to factor in grade inflation, Kelly said she could do no better than give Kamala Harris a “D+” for her performance.

“It’s just incredibly frustrating to watch. But I’m rating on a curve here, because we when everyone fails the test, you know, someone’s got to be given a D+, I guess. Look, the real story is Kamala Harris, and how she answered the question,” Kelly stated.

Kelly remarked that when Kamala Harris is preparing for a debate, her handlers are able to work with her on ‘memorization tricks,’ which allow her to regurgitate talking points crafted by Hollywood screenwriters, and she didn’t understand why Kamala was incapable of pulling off such a performance in interviews.

“She was terrible. She was absolutely awful. I actually don’t really understand why she can’t do the memorization trick that she did for the debate for these interviews. Now she knows she’s going to sit with us for this interview with a woman who has a business news background,” Kelly added.

Kelly explained that the point of this interview was to double down on the speech she gave earlier in the day in Pittsburgh on the economy.

It didn’t make sense to Kelly that Kamala’s handlers didn’t rehearse basic answers for Kamala to spout off about her economic policies.

“She’s just done an economic speech. Why wouldn’t you get your little note card team together and come up with a few like actual answers on your economic plan, on its weaknesses that you might get asked about? I don’t get it…” Kelly continued.

Megyn Kelly told listeners that she considered Kamala Harris a legitimately dumb candidate, and that anyone who voted for her was going to get what they deserve once she was in office.

“I’m done. I’m out. I’ve heard enough. I can’t. I object on every level I have inside of me to object. If you vote for that as President, then you deserve what you’re going to get. I do not deserve it. The people who are going to vote for Trump do not deserve it. It’s a calamity how dumb this person is, and that she’s been placed in this position by her party,” Kelly concluded.