Mark Cuban accidentally exposed one unforgivable lie spewed by Kamala Harris that has her base fuming

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Nobody is publicly fawning over Kamala Harris quite like woke billionaire Mark Cuban. 

But he just exposed a fact about her candidacy that has her campaign scrambling.

Mark Cuban accidentally exposed one unforgivable lie spewed by Kamala Harris that has her base fuming.

Politics makes weird bedfellows

You can tell why some people have certain political beliefs. 

Rural Americans are generally conservative because they’re forced to be more self-reliant than others throughout the nation and, therefore, place a far higher price tag on individual liberty than most.

For working-class Americans, Christian beliefs still reign supreme, which makes issues like protecting the sanctity of life a key factor in elections for the heartland. 

And for Democrats, folks in the city are used to getting government assistance to get by, and they want to make sure their way of life stays intact with no cuts to government programs. 

But one of the weirdest political alliances is that between the uber rich and Democrat Party. 

We all know that Democrats make it a point to tell their voters that they want to tax the rich out of existence. 

And generally, when they get the chance, Democrats go after the rich with their tax policies. 

But even with Democrats challenging their way of life through ungodly tax rates, the rich still seem to flock to the Democrat Party by a wide margin. 

Just look at Mark Cuban. 

The billionaire has never met a Democrat he didn’t like. 

If they have a D in front of their name, they have Cuban’s support. 

And Cuban loves no Democrat more right now than Vice President Kamala Harris, whose feet he routinely kisses as he runs around taking part in various interviews to boost her candidacy while she hides from the media.

But Cuban just went live on television and either exposed a big lie about Kamala or he is telling a lie himself. 

Who is lying: Kamala or Mark Cuban?

We all know that Kamala has made it a point to “tax the rich.”

She even hit the campaign trail last week with the “tax the rich” talking points when she told a gathering of supporters in New Hampshire, “It’s just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters. That’s why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair share.”

And the biggest mechanism she plans to use to tax the rich out of existence is a tax on unrealized gains. 

For those who were educated in government schools, unrealized gains are increases to the value of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and even homes, and under Kamala’s plan, such gains would be heavily taxed, even if they’re not sold, and no profit is actually made.

For instance, if you hold stocks that have gone up ten dollars but you haven’t sold the stock, you have a ten-dollar unrealized gain and would, therefore, have to pay taxes on the said gain.

Cuban is insistent that Kamala is lying to her supporters about taxing unrealized gains, telling CNBC’s Squawk Box that “every conversation I’ve had [with the Kamala campaign] is that it’s not going to happen.”

When he was pushed about her past comments of support for the tax, Mark responded, “I’m not going to speak for the vice president, she makes the final decision.”

“I’m talking to [the Kamala campaign] three, four times a week, having back-and-forth conversations, and their verbatim words to me is, ‘That’s not where we want to go,’” he added. “We need to find alternative sources of revenue and those alternative sources of revenue are meant to replace what the unearned income — the unrealized gains tax from the Biden plan would have implemented.”

So either Kamala Harris is lying to her base and telling Mark Cuban one thing about not taxing unrealized gains, or Mark Cuban is lying to the American people directly.