Lauren Boebert put Democrats on blast for attempting to ruin Christmas with this environmental extremist stunt

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Democrats have been waging a culture war against Christmas for decades.

So much so that Bill O’Reilly used to feature a recurring segment on the topic back when The O’Reilly Factor aired on Fox News.

And now Lauren Boebert put Democrats on blast for attempting to ruin Christmas with this environmental extremist stunt.

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire . . .

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was heavily targeted by Democrats in the 2024 election. 

However, after changing districts, Boebert won a resounding re-election. 

And she’s already right back to work. 

Rep. Boebert has introduced a four-part “Fix Our Forests Act” aimed at mitigating wildfire risk in the western United States. 

The Biden Bureau of Land Management (BLM) controls 10% of all land in the United States, but that number goes up exponentially in the mountain west. 

BLM controls 80% of Nevada’s land, more than 60% in both Idaho and Utah, more than half of Oregon, nearly half of Wyoming and California, and more than a third of Colorado. 

And Boebert wants BLM to actually do their job by adopting some successful local practices. 

“America needs to do more to actively manage our forests and prevent catastrophic wildfires that are devastating our communities,” Boebert wrote in a statement. “Federal agencies have to stop spending billions of dollars on the backend putting out fires and shift to a comprehensive, proactive approach. The Fix Our Forests Act and my four amendments do exactly that and are the type of solutions needed in the West and Colorado.” 

In addition to a more proactive approach to combating wildfires, one of Boebert’s amendments would make it easier for families to carry out one classic Christmas tradition. 

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree, How lovely are your branches . . .

In her final amendment to the bill, Boebert would mandate regional foresters to submit a plan for the sale of Christmas trees and firewood on federal lands. 

“Under current law, American families can purchase a permit from the forest service to cut Christmas trees from their favorite national forest as well as harvest any firewood, transplants, post and poles, and other forest products to improve forest health,” Boebert wrote. “We have seen successful Christmas tree and firewood harvesting operations in the state of Colorado, and this program has served as a locally based solution to help thin our overgrown forests.” 

Boebert’s plan is backed by House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR). 

But Boebert is getting strong pushback from anti-Christmas Democrats in Congress. 

Silent night, holy night, Shepherds quake at the sight. . .

Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA), who previously defended pedophiles during a Congressional hearing, is concerned the Christmas trees might get in the way of Democrats’ environmental extremist agenda. 

Porter spoke out against Boebert’s bill when it was up in the U.S. House.

“By placing a preference on projects that are related to Christmas tree harvest,” Porter began. “This amendment would limit the landscape restoration program by prioritizing a marketable product over landscape restoration.” 

Porter seems to miss the entire point. 

Yes, countless families have cherished Holiday memories of finding just the right tree, cutting it down, hauling it back home and then decorating it. 

For many, Christmas isn’t Christmas without that family tradition. 

And while doing that, these same families offer deforestation services to thin out the fire hazard that BLM frequently fails to prepare for. 

And Boebert wasn’t going to let the woke California zealot get away with the trick. 

“It’s so sad to hear my colleagues on the other side of the aisle hate Christmas,” Boebert replied. 

The Fix Our Forests Act passed the Republican-led U.S. House in voice vote, but has since stalled in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate. 

It remains to be seen if Boebert will reintroduce her bill in the next Congress, when the GOP enjoys majorities in both the House and Senate.

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