Lauren Boebert dropped the hammer on Tim Walz for this cowardly decision

Lauren Boebert Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Tim Walz has become a big problem for Kamala Harris.

He can’t help but create major headaches for the campaign. 

And Lauren Boebert dropped the hammer on Tim Walz for this cowardly decision. 

Tim Walz flees when asked about the murder of an American citizen

Minnesota Democrat Governor Tim Walz has given Vice President Kamala Harris plenty of reason to have buyer’s remorse since she named him her running mate.

He continued to add to the list of concerns about him as a candidate with a shocking reaction to the murder of an American citizen.

The bodies of the six hostages taken by the Islamic terror group Hamas were found in a tunnel underneath the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

One of the dead hostages was Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an American-Israeli citizen, who was captured at a music festival in the Israeli desert. 

Walz was attending the Minnesota State Fair in Saint Paul when a reporter asked him about the incident. 

“What’s your reaction to the six hostages being found dead in Gaza?” a reporter asked him.

Walz had a look of concern on his face before hightailing it out there.

“All right,” Walz said. “Thanks, everybody!”

Kamala and Walz are running the most heavily scripted Presidential campaign in American history.

He can’t even say a few words to offer condolences without his handlers signing off on them. 

It was a simple setup for him, and he couldn’t deliver. 

But he could find the time to post a video of himself stuffing his face with a porkchop on a stick.

Boebert puts Walz on notice

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) blasted Walz for his cowardice in refusing to say anything about an American citizen being killed. 

“Tim Walz ran away from cameras when asked about the six hostages killed in Gaza,” Boebert wrote on X. We’ve got a Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate who can’t give an answer without their team crafting it first. That’s not leadership. That’s cowardice. That’s not acceptable.”

Later that day, a message – obviously written by one of the Kamala-Walz campaign’s handlers – was posted to Walz’s social media accounts about the tragedy.

“The anguish of losing a child is something no family should have to endure. Gwen and I send our deepest condolences to the Goldberg-Polin family, after Hamas’ murder of their son Hersh,” Walz wrote on X. “Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization – and we condemn their continued atrocities against both Americans and Israelis in the strongest possible terms.”

Walz couldn’t give a brief statement to that effect at the Minnesota State Fair. 

He and Kamala have turned avoiding questions and unscripted moments on the campaign trail into an art form. 

She was caught walking from an SUV after a campaign event to the steps to board Air Force Two with earbuds in while ignoring questions from the press. 

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz don’t want to answer tough questions from the press, and they think the media is going to cover for them.