Karine Jean-Pierre gave one interview that Democrats are going to live to regret

Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith, United States Government Work, via Flickr

Karine Jean-Pierre is scrambling trying to contain yet another crisis involving Joe Biden. 

But she left everyone groaning with one embarrassing performance on live TV.

And Karine Jean-Pierre gave one interview that Democrats are going to live to regret.

The Biden regime is in panic mode over videos

The evidence has become undeniable that President Joe Biden has more than lost a step or two.

And it’s getting worse by the week.

Multiple videos of Biden wandering around in a state of confusion or freezing up have recently gone viral on social media.

The 81-year-old Democrat President’s fitness to serve a second term is one of the biggest concerns voters have this election.

Now, the Biden campaign has to deal with videos circulating that confirm fears about the President’s mental decline.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tried to defuse the situation during a press briefing by calling these videos “cheap fakes.”

She claimed – without even a shred of evidence – that videos of Biden wandering around in a stupor were the result of deceptive editing or not providing the context of the entire video, even though Americans can plainly see what’s right in front of them.

Democrats and their media allies are desperately trying to muddy the waters by gaslighting the public into not believing what they see with their own eyes.

There’s no spinning on what’s going on with Biden, so their only hope is to muddy the waters and sow doubt and confusion.

Karine Jean-Pierre doubles down on “fake” claim

Jean-Pierre appeared on MSNBC, where she continued to call the videos of Biden’s physical and cognitive decline “cheap fakes.”

“It’s also very insulting to the folks, the viewers who are watching it,” Jean-Pierre said. “And so we believe we have to call that out. We’ve been calling it cheap fakes. That is something that came directly from the media outlets in calling it that, the fact-checkers and calling it that. And so we’re certainly going to be really, really clear about that as well. And calling it out from where we are, from where we stand.”

The defense from left-wing partisans posing as so-called “fact-checkers” in the media is to claim that a different angle provides the real context.

But as it turns out, looking at the videos from a different angle simply shows Biden doing the exact same thing… from a different angle.

Jean-Pierre tried this on a video of Biden at the G7 Summit in which he wandered off from the group before the Italian Prime Minister grabbed him to return him to the group.

“I think there is so much misinformation, disinformation as we’ve been talking about. You talked about the video of the president wandering. And it’s not true. Right? The president wasn’t wandering. He was talking to a parachuter that was right in front of him. And what you saw is the Republican Party really manipulating what was being said and what was being seen by the American people,” Jean-Pierre said.

There’s no spinning what’s going on in the alarming videos showcasing Biden’s significant physical and cognitive decline.

Democrats and their media allies are going to insult the intelligence of voters by telling them not to believe what they see and hear.