Kamala Harris was caught in one flip-flop that is going to end up biting her in the butt

Photo by U.S. Embassy Ghana via Flickr, Public domain

Kamala Harris is rolling out her Presidential campaign to great media fanfare.

Now, she’s trying to reinvent herself on the fly to make herself palatable to swing state voters.

And Kamala Harris was caught in one flip-flop that is going to end up biting her in the butt.

Kamala Harris channels John Kerry for her campaign

Vice President Kamala Harris watched her 2020 Presidential campaign end in disaster.

She went into the race as one of the frontrunners but dropped out before a single vote was cast.

The more voters saw of her, the less they liked her.

Now, her campaign is a carefully scripted operation built on media hype.

Her handlers have had her avoid unscripted situations or interviews with the press.

They’re trying to lock her down between now and Election Day to avoid any gaffes.

2004 Presidential Democrat Presidential candidate John Kerry’s campaign went down in flames because of his flip-flopping on issues.

Kerry left voters shocked with some of his outlandish statements.

“I actually did vote for the 87 billion dollars before I voted against it,” Kerry told a stunned country.

Now, Harris is trying to flip-flop on her far-Left positions.

Harris flips-flops on fracking

“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” Harris said at a 2019 CNN town hall.

Harris’ campaign put out a statement that claims she no longer supports banning fracking.

Fracking has fueled a natural gas boom in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania. 

But she has a long and well-documented history of wanting to ban the use of fossil fuels.

North Star Opinion Research Vice President Jon McHenry said Harris will have trouble distancing herself from her past.

“She is going to find herself between a rock and a hard place on the issue of fracking, and also other issues like Gaza, too,” McHenry said. “She has all of her past statements, and the Biden-Harris administration record, which is against fracking and exports of liquefied natural gas.”

The Biden-Harris regime refused to approve new export terminals to sell liquefied natural gas overseas.

“And that’s great for her base supporters, the people who were upset about Joe Biden representing Democrats a couple weeks ago and are excited about Kamala Harris, who want her to ban fracking, and they’re excited to have a younger, more liberal candidate running for president,” McHenry added.

Harris is trying to do a tightrope walk on fracking and other issues with the hope the media can give her enough cover.

“The problem is she’s got to win independents in states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Michigan and Georgia, North Carolina, and Arizona, who want to see more energy developed in this country and for us to be more energy independent,” McHenry continued. “She wants to have her energy and ban it too.”

CNN contributor Scott Jennings told the Daily Caller that Harris has serious credibility problems, saying she’s pro-energy now.

“Climate change and banning fracking were CENTRAL to her 2020 campaign! I mean, she went on the Tonight Show and performed a song about it! Nobody is going to believe anything other than she’s a climate cultist,” Jennings said.

“She’s the Greta [Thunberg] of the U.S. government, and that ought to scare the bejeezus out of every energy worker in Pennsylvania and any American who would suffer under her obviously radical views,” Jennings added.

Kamala Harris is hoping that she can pull a fast one on voters about her left-wing record.