Kamala Harris blew a gasket after learning the real reason Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign

Kamala Harris Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0

Most Democrats seem to be celebrating Kamala Harris’ coronation as the Party’s Presidential nominee.

But behind closed doors, the feeling is much different. 

And Kamala Harris blew a gasket after learning the real reason Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign.

The real reason Biden dropped out

An embattled and significantly diminished President Joe Biden finally made the decision to end his re-election campaign after enduring over three weeks of calls from his fellow Democrats for him to drop out.

Biden had repeatedly said that he was staying in the race after his disastrous debate performance.

A report from Axios gave some insight into the real reasons why the Democrat President ultimately gave in and dropped out after weeks of holding out.

Axios’ Alex Thompson said that three sources close to Biden said that he was worried about Vice President Kamala Harris’ chances to beat former President Donald Trump this November.

He caved to the pressure to drop out, but his concerns reflected a wider consensus about Harris held by her fellow Democrats for years.

The Axios report also pointed out that there were tensions between the Biden and Harris camps, further confirming numerous prior reports that detailed such internal strife within the Biden-Harris regime.

Biden came out with a full-throated endorsement shortly after he posted his letter announcing he was suspending his re-election campaign.

“My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this,” Biden’s account on X stated.

Democrats suddenly believe Harris is their new Obama

Many Democrats began to rally around Harris after Biden dropped out, and it became clear she would almost certainly be the Party’s nominee.

They thought that getting rid of Biden would allow the Party to hit the reset button for November’s election.

But replacing the deeply unpopular Biden with the even more unpopular Harris isn’t an electoral cheat code.

She has been pegged as one of the least popular Vice Presidents in American history because of her numerous failures and gaffes – not to mention that blood-curdling cackle.

Since they were sworn into office in January 2021, Harris’ approval rating has often been even lower than that of Biden.

Democrats would have pushed Biden out in favor of his Vice President last year if they thought that she was a good candidate.

Former Senator Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) revealed the pickle that Democrats were in during an interview with NBC News last September.

“Democrats just don’t have any choice and it’s so difficult,” DeConcini said about running Biden. He may be too old and stumble a little bit. The problem, in my opinion, is the Democrats really have a problem if he didn’t run because Kamala Harris — I don’t think she could be elected.”

Democrats’ media allies published a constant stream of articles calling on Biden to replace Harris.

Now, Democrats and their media allies love her because she’s the least bad option they have left.

There’s an old saying in the NFL that the backup quarterback is the most popular guy in town.

Democrats are thrilled with their new candidate, but they’re going to quickly rediscover why most of them were ready to replace Harris before this summer.