Joy Behar made one bad prediction about Donald Trump that could cost her a job

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Panic is setting in on The View over the idea of Donald Trump winning November’s election. 

That’s causing them to have public on-air meltdowns. 

And Joy Behar made one bad prediction about Donald Trump that could cost her a job.

Behar worries Trump will somehow cancel The View as President 

Former President Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 felonies concocted by Soros-backed Manhattan Democrat District Attorney Alvin Bragg in a kangaroo country was a dark day for the U.S.

But for ABC’s The View, Trump’s conviction was like the Super Bowl and New Year’s Eve all rolled into one.

The View co-host Joy Behar admitted she started “leaking,” and fellow co-host Sunny Hostin compared the ordeal to the New York Knicks winning an NBA Championship.

Like the rest of their fellow Democrats, they were convinced that Trump’s conviction would change the trajectory of the Presidential race.

But now that Trump’s campaign hasn’t been dealt a fatal blow, sorrow is setting in on set.

Rachel Maddow is detached from reality 

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow appeared on The View as panic set in about the possibility of Trump returning to the White House.

Behar is worried that if Trump wins the election, he could somehow take The View and Maddow’s MSNBC show off the air.

“So you said recently that you thought that you, as an outspoken critic, could be a target yourself,” Behar said. “Some people think that sounds overdramatic, but I’m right there with you.”

“I think that he is so vindictive that he will go after, however, he has to, through the IRS maybe, or even through sponsors, to get us off the air maybe, or you. How seriously should we be taking that?” she asked.

This is a classic case of political projection by Behar.

Democrats and their media allies have spent decades trying to get conservatives like the late, great Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson taken off-air.

Maddow went on a fact-free rant about Trump supposedly targeting the entire country.

“I think it’s bad to have somebody saying, ‘Give me as much power as you can in this country so I can use it to go after other Americans, so I can use it to go after these subhuman internal enemies and I will destroy them.’ That’s just not a good system for anybody, and I don’t think anybody is safe if that’s the sort of basis on which he wants to get more power,” Maddow ranted. 

Democrats tried to beat Trump with lawfare, but that didn’t work.

Now they’re left with trying to fearmonger about Trump somehow turning into a “dictator” if he wins, even though they made the same exact claims prior to his 2016 win, only to have none of them come to fruition.

For nearly a decade now, Democrats and their media allies have been making the same hysterical claims about Trump over and over again, but they no longer have any effect.

Maddow told CNN’s Oliver Darcy that she is supposedly worried about being sent to a camp if Trump wins.

“For that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he’s planning are only for migrants? So, yes, I’m worried about me — but only as much as I’m worried about all of us,” Maddow raved. 

Democrats aren’t able to cope with the possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House.