John Legend just made a mockery of Christianity with his absurd take on this tragedy

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko via Pexels

John Legend has many of his fans screaming “shut-up and sing.” 

The singer has decided to weigh in on politics and is pushing his radical left-wing views down his fans’ throats. 

And to make matters worse, John Legend is now making a mockery of Christianity with his absurd take on this tragedy. 

Democrats gathering at the scratching post

Cats have oddly risen to the forefront of the 2024 election. 

First, there are Democrat women – including celebrities, politicians, media talking heads, and the like – who are proclaiming their pride in being “childless cat ladies.” 

The phrase is supposed to be some type of supposed “own” against former President Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate, Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH). 

Afterall, Democrats’ media allies have attempted to brand the Hillbilly Elegy author as “weird” from the moment Trump announced his selection.

60,000 + 20,000 = unsustainable

Second, Democrats and their media allies have mocked Trump and Vance for bringing attention to the chaos unfolding in Springfield, Ohio, as a result of Democrats’ efforts to flood the city with Haitian immigrants, including numerous reports that they are killing and eating geese, ducks, and even some citizens’ cats.

Democrats and their media allies want voters to believe that because the Springfield City Manager – who has a clear self-interest in downplaying the story to avoid scrutiny – claims there have been no “credible reports” of these supposed “refugees” killing and eating pets. 

Of course, there are plenty of pictures and videos of it, though.

Not to mention countless citizens who have come forward about their pets going missing, or even seeing them being taken and killed with their own eyes.

Regardless, the best thing about the memes bombarding social media on this topic, is that they’re bringing light to the bigger issue in Springfield. 

It’s a town of 60,000, mostly working-class residents. 

In a very short period of time, their community has been flooded with at least 20,000 Haitian “refugees” who have been granted “temporary protective status” by the ruling class elites.

No city has the capacity to handle a 33% increase in population seemingly overnight. 

Especially when the new population is from a third-world country, has a completely different culture, and are mostly unskilled, non-English speakers.

These newcomers are putting pressure on the small town’s infrastructure, housing, medical care, and education system. 

And singer extraordinaire John Legend thinks residents who don’t like it, need to just get over it. 

John Legend tells his hometown to just deal with it

Worst, Legend is cloaking his globalist, open-border view in Christianity. 

The singer is actually from Springfield, Ohio, and wants the people of his hometown – where he no longer lives since striking it rich – to love thy new neighbor. 

Legend released a five-minute video, in which he passes on the often debunked claim that illegal aliens don’t commit crime. 

“They are hardworking, they’re ambitious, they commit less crime than native born Americans,” Legend said. “How about we love one another? I grew up in the Christian tradition. We said to love our neighbor as we love ourselves and treat strangers as though they might be Christ. So, how about we adopt that ethos when we talk about immigrants moving to our communities.”

Legend conveniently isn’t putting up any of his fortune to help the town support 20,000 incomers it has no room for. 

Instead, he just wants struggling, working class residents in this rural town to live by his virtue signaling.