John Kennedy left Democrats speechless by asking Alejandro Mayorkas one question

Alejandro Mayorkas Photo by U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Public domain, via Wikimedia

John Kennedy is sounding the alarm on one of the most terrifying failures of the Biden Presidency.

Now he’s trying to get to the bottom of one unthinkable blunder.

And John Kennedy left Democrats speechless by asking Alejandro Mayorkas one question.

Biden regime lets terrorists walk across the southern border

President Joe Biden’s border crisis has become the top national security threat facing the country.

Literally, anyone can walk across the southern border under his lawless regime.

FBI Director Christopher Wray and other officials have been sounding the alarm about potential terror threats coming into the country via the wide open southern border.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested eight illegal aliens from the Central Asian nation of Tajikistan with suspected ties to Islamic terror group ISIS after one of them was caught on a wiretap talking about a bomb.

Senators John Kennedy (R-LA), Ted Budd (R-NC), and 19 other Republican Senators are demanding answers from Biden Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about why illegal aliens with terrorist ties are being released into the country.

“President Biden is derelict in his duty to protect and defend our country,” Budd wrote in a letter to Mayorkas and Wray. “These incidents highlight the extreme national security risks posed by the open southern border. We need to expose what happened here, and make sure it never happens again. We need to secure the border and stop the chaos.”

The Republican Senators noted that the eight ISIS-linked Tajiks were either released at the southern border by Border Patrol agents or released under President Biden’s “lawful pathways” program with nothing more than a pinky promise that they show up to an immigration hearing years in the future.

“We are deeply concerned by reports that a wiretap shows that one of the now-arrested individuals was talking about bombs and that the target of the wiretap was previously released by federal authorities at the southern border with a court date of next year,” the Republican Senators stated.

It was only after the suspected terrorists were released into the country that the Biden Department of Homeland Security figured out that they had a big problem.

Biden Homeland Security isn’t vetting illegal aliens they release into America

The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General found the vetting for illegal aliens that were apprehended by the Border Patrol to be woefully inadequate.

Border Patrol agents have been releasing known terrorists into the country from “ineffective practices and processes,” according to an Inspector General report.

Kennedy pointed out the obvious problem with the current lack of border security on social media.

“[ICE] wouldn’t have to track down potential ISIS terrorists living in the U.S. if the Biden admin didn’t insist on letting illegal immigrants waltz into our country in the first place,” Kennedy wrote on X.

The number of illegal aliens apprehended at the southern border on the FBI’s terrorism watch list has exploded during the Biden regime.

But no one is sure how many are slipping into the country undetected or are being released without vetting.

The Biden border crisis is putting the country in grave danger.