Joe Biden was caught using this dirty trick to save Kamala Harris from disaster

Photo by UNC - CFC - USFK, via Wikimedia, CC BY 2.0,

Joe Biden is pulling out all the stops to get Kamala Harris over the finish line. 

He’s bending the rules to make it happen. 

And Joe Biden was caught using this dirty trick to save Kamala Harris from disaster. 

Joe Biden tries to hide Medicare drug price increases

Democrats’ more than $1 trillion “Inflation Reduction Act” was always a massive charade as it did nothing to address the inflation crisis caused by the Biden-Harris regime.

In reality, it was the biggest climate change bill in American history, chock-full of spending for Democrats’ extremist Green New Deal agenda.

To help sell the bill as lowering costs during the peak of inflation in 2022, a price cap of $2,000 on prescription drugs under Medicare Part D was tacked on. 

Insurers are passing on the higher drug costs from the price caps to seniors in the form of higher premiums. 

Medicare Part D premiums were set to jump by as much as 55% starting in September.

The sticker shock of higher premiums was an election year surprise that Vice President Kamala Harris couldn’t afford. 

President Joe Biden decided to hide the costs to protect Vice President Kamala Harris’ Presidential campaign.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service raided the Medicare Trust Fund for $10 billion to help cover the premium increases and limited how much insurers could raise them. 

House Republicans investigating Medicare scheme

House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health Chairman Representative Brett Guthrie (R-KY) told the Washington Examiner that House Republicans are investigating the Biden-Harris regime’s scheme to lower Medicare Part D premiums.

“They’re robbing Peter to pay Paul,” Guthrie said. “But I’ve always heard if you rob Peter to pay Paul, Paul always votes for you. So it just seems like an election-year gimmick.”

Biden’s erroneously named “Inflation Reduction Act” was touted as a way to lower Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage drug prices but it sent premiums soaring. 

“To sum it up, we have their landmark prescription drug bill for seniors that is raising premiums when they went down under the Trump administration,” Guthrie said.

Premiums went down by 12% during the Trump administration, and were falling during the Biden-Harris regime until the “Inflation Reduction Act” was passed thanks to Kamala’s tie-breaking vote in the Senate. 

Representative Vern Buchanan (R-FL) said that the Biden-Harris administration was trying to hide the blunder they created. 

“Less than two months prior to the election, the Biden-Harris White House is using billions of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars to cover up for the spiking healthcare premiums caused by their own broken policies and the laughably named Inflation Reduction Act,” Buchanan said.

Kamala has made it a point to tout the allegedly lower drug prices for seniors from the “Inflation Reduction Act” on the campaign trail. 

“It really appears to me this is a last-minute approach to take away the shock people would feel by having increased premiums right before an election because the signature issue of the Biden-Harris administration did the exact opposite of what they said it was going to do,” Guthrie stated. 

Kamala Harris helped spike drug prices for seniors and is trying to hide it until after the election.