Jerry Seinfeld brutally dismantled this woke extremist heckler with just five words

Zafrir Keren - צפריר קרן, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Hecklers are simply part of life for stand-up comics.

Some comedians handle it far better than others and even incorporate the heckling into their act.

And now Jerry Seinfeld brutally dismantled this loudmouth heckler with just five words.

“From the River to the Sea” doesn’t float with Seinfeld

Legendary comedian Jerry Seinfeld is well known for his sarcastic and biting humor, as well as his ability to handle hecklers.

Recently, while performing a stand-up show in Sydney, Australia, a rowdy, woke extremist audience member started heckling Seinfeld with the pro-Hamas slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

The slogan is a well-known reference to Islamic terrorists’ anti-Semitic mission to completely destroy the state of Israel.

But Seinfeld, who is himself Jewish, was having none of it and fired back immediately.

Video of the ordeal shows the pro-terrorist audience member standing up and aggressively motioning toward Seinfeld as he screamed his pro-Hamas rants.

He even made the accusation that Seinfeld supports a “terrorist state” in an anti-Semitic reference to Israel.

But Seinfeld refused to let the pro-terrorist protester ruin his show.

Seinfeld took the moment and made it his own, responding with both sarcasm and humor in a way few comedians could.

He brutally taunted the protester before security escorted him from the venue.

“Yes! We have a genius, ladies and gentlemen,” Seinfeld mocked. “He’s solved the Middle East! He’s solved it!”

“It’s the Jewish comedians, that’s who we have to get,” he continued. “They’re the ones who are doing everything! Yeah, go ahead, keep going! They’re going to start punching you in about three seconds, so I would try and get all of your genius out so we can all learn from you.”

When security reached the protester and began to escort him out, the huge crowd at the Qudos Bank Arena, which holds more than 20,000 people, erupted in cheers. 

Get out of here

“It’s a comedy show, you moron!” Seinfeld said. “Get out of here.” 

But Seinfeld’s responses and the jeers of opposition from the crowd didn’t stop the woke extremist protester.

He continued screaming at Seinfeld as he was escorted out of the show by security. 

The pro-terrorist protester’s complaints only gave Seinfeld more ammunition to fire back with.

“You’re really influencing everyone here! We’re all on your side now because you have made your point so well. And in the right venue — you’ve come to the right place for a political conversation,” Seinfeld mocked.

“Tomorrow we’ll read in the paper: ‘Middle East 100% solved thanks to man at the Qudos Arena stopping Jew comedian — they stopped him and everyone in the Middle East went, ‘Oh my God let’s just get along,'” he went on.

This latest episode is at least the third time Seinfeld has been targeted over just the past few weeks.

Last month, another pro-terrorist heckler interrupted one of Seinfeld’s shows in Virginia. 

The Virginia incident came shortly after anti-Israel students at Duke University interrupted their own commencement ceremony to virtue-signal their opposition to Israel.

Seinfeld was the commencement speaker that day.