Japan just got their World War II revenge in the most American way possible

Photo by Christiano Sinisterra from Pexels

The United States did a number on Imperial Japan as payback for Pearl Harbor. 

But now it looks like Japan may have finally proven itself to be the better nation in the most unlikely way. 

And now Japan just got their World War II revenge in the most American way possible.

Japan has had a grudge against the United States for a while now

The only foreign nation that has ever occupied Japan’s main island throughout the Land of the Rising Sun’s history is the United States.

The Mongols, one of the fiercest civilizations in the history of humanity, tried to subdue the Japanese with little success.

But despite the United States’ efforts during World War II, surrounding the island nation, cutting it off from supplies and its allies, and destroying the vast majority of its military capabilities, Japan refused to surrender.

Ultimately, it took two atomic bombs to end the standoff.

And ever since, Japan has obviously held a bit of a grudge over the whole ordeal and has been on a mission to defeat the United States in the most American ways possible. 

First, they dominated the car industry after the United States used to be known as the car-making center of the world. 

And then, Japan put all of its resources into upending America’s domination of America’s pastime, baseball, and succeeded.

But of everything the Japanese have done, it looks like they may have finally won the war against the United States.

America is lost

The United States has won every American football championship in the history of the sport. 

That is until Japan beat the U.S. on the gridiron this past week. 

The internet was going nuts when it saw the news that the Japanese national team beat the United States national team at the IFAF U20 World Junior Football Championships. 

And it wasn’t just a hail mary that won the Japanese the game. 

They literally routed the United States, 41-20.

We all know things are bad under President Joe Biden, but this is a bridge too far.

Can the United States ever get more embarrassed than being beat by the Japanese at American football?