Ford has a five-alarm fire on its hands after one pro-terrorist move threatened to bring the company to its knees

Photo by Spokesperson unit of the President of Israel via Wikimedia, public domain

Ford is one of America’s biggest corporate brands.

But even Ford isn’t immune from the current political climate.

And now Ford has a five-alarm fire on its hands after one pro-terrorist move threatened to bring the company to its knees.

Ford posts anti-Israel messages

Ford’s X account briefly sounded like any woke, left-wing group on college campuses when three posts decrying Israel and declaring solidarity with Palestinian appeared.

The posts read “Free Palestine,” “Israel is a terrorist state,” and “ALL EYES ON GAZA.”

Ford later admitted someone “compromised” their X account to post these pro-Hamas screeds.

“Our X account was briefly compromised and the previous three posts were not authorized or posted by Ford. We are investigating the issue,” a company statement read.

Prior to November 5, this would have been a minor footnote.

But President-elect Donald Trump’s win changed everything.

Americans voted for Trump to tell academia, the media, Hollywood, and corporate America that they had no time for their woke propaganda.

The canary in the coal mine should have been the Bud Light boycott that saw Anheuser Busch lose billions in sales after a disastrous decision to go all-in on woke extremism.

A vocal majority of Americans now reject corporate meddling in the culture wars.

There is no evidence that Ford intentionally posted these pro-Hamas messages, which have been a rallying cry on the Left since the terrorist group massacred 1,200 Jews in the October 7, 2023, terrorist attack in Israel.

But there is no doubt Ford wanted to make sure as quickly as possible that Americans understood this was a hack and not some kind of official corporate statement.

The level of anti-Semitism on the Left was eye opening for many Americans.

For years, the media claimed this was exclusively a problem on the right and falsely claimed Trump supporters were responsible for attacks on Jewish Americans.

That lie fell apart once Americans saw video footage of leftist mobs on college campuses and in the streets of the nation’s biggest cities terrorizing Jews and chanting “from the river to sea,” which is a call to wipe Israel off the map and eradicate the Jews.

It was an eye opening experience for the public and yet another sign the press had spent years lying to them.

Had Vice President Kamala Harris won the election, whoever hacked Ford’s X account to post these pro-Hamas missives would have been treated like a hero.

At worst, Ford probably would have issued some statement filled with social justice jargon that expressed sympathy with the sentiments expressed in the posts.

But Donald Trump winning was a complete repudiation of the woke mob.

And Ford wanted to put as much distance between itself and the pro-Hamas message as humanly possible.

This was again another sign that Trump’s second term was going to exist in a far different political landscape than his first four years in office.