Fast food fans will be excited over this fierce battle that just erupted between McDonald’s and Burger King

Photo by Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine on Flickr

Many Americans love to eat fast food.

But fast food is becoming increasingly expensive in Joe Biden’s America.

That’s why fast food fans will be excited over this fierce battle that just erupted between McDonald’s and Burger King.

Fast food is wildly popular in the United States.

Research shows that 80% of Americans visit a fast-food restaurant at least once per month, and 20% eat fast food at least twice a week.

There are over 200,000 different fast-food businesses in the United States alone.

Americans spend roughly $200 billion annually on fast food.

In fact, the average American spends $1,200 per year on fast food and over $70,500 on fast food during their lifetime.

Of the more than 200,000 fast food locations businesses, McDonald’s is by far the most popular and well known.

With over 37,000 locations worldwide, McDonald’s was valued at just over $196 billion dollars in 2022.

McDonald’s serves more than 69 million customers per day across the globe.

When it comes to fast food, the hamburger is the top item enjoyed by consumers across the board.

And in the hamburger arena, McDonald’s has its competition.

Burger King is the top competitor to McDonald’s when it comes to fast food hamburgers.

But McDonald’s destroys Burger King in size and sales.

While McDonald’s serves roughly 69 million customers per day, Burger King only serves a little more than 11 million.

Burger King only had 7,346 outlets in America compared to 13,800 for McDonald’s in 2020.

But that doesn’t mean the two fast food giants aren’t engaged in fierce competition with each other.

Fast food fans are the only winners in the war between McDonald’s and Burger King.

McDonald’s recently announced plans to bring back a $5 meal to help consumers who are struggling as a result of the skyrocketing cost of living under President Joe Biden.

The announcement led Burger King to launch a $5 meal of its own, as well.

“Burger King is set to re-launch its $5 value meal, according to multiple reports,” MSN reported. “The news comes after its competitor McDonald’s announced plans to bring back a similar $5 meal deal last week,” MSN continued. “Burger King’s latest promotion will allow customers to choose between one of three sandwiches, along with chicken nuggets, fries and a drink.”

Burger King didn’t release a date on when the new deal will begin.

However, it’s supposed to start before McDonald’s rolls out its $5 meals on June 25.

Americans are struggling to make ends meet under Joe Biden’s Presidency.

But free-market competition between two businesses will soon help alleviate some of the burden Americans are experiencing from inflation.